
Pippa put the stack of books on the shelf and stepped around Lady. Her phone rang from the front desk with a text message. Probably Sophia. She’d forgotten to charge it last night, and true to his word, Mason had stayed on the other end of the line all night. Who knew there were men out there who would tell stories?

It wasn’t the classic prince-saves-the-princess tale either. His story had the woman saving herself, and even got pretty sexy at times. She’d drifted off to sleep dreaming of slain dragons and happily ever afters with a prince that looked a lot like Mason. Too bad it would only ever be a dream.

Around seven, his rumbly voice had come through wishing her a good morning with the clinking of dishes in the background. She’d never forget his kindness.

Buzzing and cranking sounds came from the front of the store. Pippa’s heart raced. Is someone vandalizing my shop in broad daylight? She ran to the front, heading for her phone to call the police when a familiar figure caught her eye through the glass panes of her storefront. Pippa slowed her steps, and diverted to open the front door, her dog at her heels.

Mason stood on a ladder, equipped with a tool belt that brought a lot of dirty fantasies to mind. He had a drill in one hand and a circular device in the other. His muscles bunched under his thin T-shirt as he worked. Specks of wood landed on his veiny forearms. Her mouth went dry. Her gaze wandered down to his tight ass that his camouflage shorts hugged to perfection. Why hadn’t she dug her nails into that when she’d had the chance?

I was too busy getting my pussy ate out by his expert mouth while trying to not scream loud enough for the whole town to hear.

A throat clearing had her gaze snapping back up to his amused deep blue eyes. Half his face turned up in a broken smile like he knew exactly what she was thinking about. He climbed down, his biceps flexing on the side of the ladder with each rung.

His eyes took their time roving over her before landing on her face with that half smile still firmly in place. “You look rested.”

She bit her bottom lip. “I have a friend to thank for that.”

“Here.” He picked up a paper bag and cardboard coffee container from the ground and handed it to her.

She accepted it. “What’s this?”

“Late afternoon snack?”

She eyed him curiously. “Another friendly benefit?”

He chuckled, sending a spark of arousal through her.

“I don’t think you understand what benefits means in this little arrangement. Not that I’m complaining,” she teased.

He leaned in, brushing his thumb over her lips. She shivered at the contact and his eyes darkened. “Oh, we’ll get there too. Thought I’d give you the whole friendship experience first.”

“What’s all this?” She motioned to the ladder.

“Security cameras.”

Her brows drew together. “But how much does something like this cost?”

He waved a hand. “I had these sitting in my truck just collecting dust. Thought they could be put to use finally.” His gaze dipped to the ground before returning to her.

Liar. “Just sitting in your truck, huh?”

“Yup.” He bent down and picked up another camera box, pocketing a small receipt discreetly, but not discreetly enough.

“There are some guys coming in about an hour to install a security system to your apartment.”

Pippa’s mouth dropped open. She couldn’t afford that.

He held up his hands. “It’s also a gift.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “There’s no way a whole security system was just sitting in your truck collecting dust.”

He scratched the back of his neck and smirked. “A friend owes me a favor.”

“Seems like a pretty big favor.” She raised a brow.

He leaned in again, his mouth only an inch from hers. “You see how well I treat my friends?”