
Pippa blinked her eyes open. Blurry white filled her vision. Where am I? She tried to sit, but Lady’s heavy weight kept her horizontal. Pippa pointed to the spot next to her. “Down, girl.”

The dog obeyed, sniffing her and then licking the side of Pippa’s face. Pippa winced as she sat, every muscle seeming to protest. The last thing she remembered was heating some leftovers. She slowly got to her feet, a landslide of exhaustion rolling over her. Her meal was still sitting in the microwave, untouched. She pulled on the handle and pressed her finger to the center. Her food was cold once again. How long was I out this time? Pippa pulled up her tracking app. That makes sense now. Her period was due soon. Every month, like clockwork, she’d get clusters of seizures around her cycle. Maybe she needed to get more help for the bookstore. Times were tight, but she could only do what she could do. And what if Troy was sick and she had a seizure? There’d be no one to keep the store open—and that store was a refuge for people. For girls like Aspen and boys like David. One more thing on her to-do list.

Pippa grabbed the glass of water on the counter and drained it before she headed to her bed. She just needed a little nap.

Her face hit the pillow and sleep enveloped her.

Pippa jolted upright. Lady’s ears perked as her face turned towards the door. Pippa reached out and stroked the dog’s fur.

Knock. Knock.

Pippa’s forehead creased. Who could that be? A quick glance at her clock told her it couldn’t be Troy; the bookstore was open for another two hours. Pippa got up and rubbed her eyes on her way to answer. She opened it and blinked in surprise.

“Hey, Brynn.”

Brynn tucked a lock of brown hair behind her ear, her eyes darting to the ground nervously. “Hi. I, um, wondered if you, uh, if I could talk to you?”

Pippa widened the door and stepped aside. “Come on in.”

Brynn stepped into the living room, keeping her arms pulled tight to her body as if she were afraid of taking up too much space.

“Would you like to sit?” Pippa motioned to the couch.

“Sure.” Brynn took a seat.

“Can I offer you some water or juice? I also have tea?”

Brynn shook her head and sat. “No, thank you.”

Pippa joined her, running a hand over her hair. God only knew what she looked like after rolling out of bed. “What can I do for you?”

“I just wondered if by chance you had any positions available at the bookstore? I’m looking for some extra hours in the afternoons after I get off my shift at the diner.”

Pippa nodded. “Oh. I see. Well, actually, yes. I could use some more help. Some of it might be last-minute coverage. Sometimes, afternoons can be hard for me . . . uh, for me to work. Would that suit you? I know you have David. He’s welcome to hang out with you at the shop if you need.”

Brynn’s shoulders lowered as a small, relieved smile tilted her lips before it disappeared, and she looked at the ground again. “I, uh, don’t suppose you might hire me under the table? I know it’s a big ask, but I don’t really have another choice. And I can’t tell you why either.” Brynn’s hazel eyes met hers, her gaze making her seem so much older than her features presented.

Pippa took a deep breath. “That’s a risk for me—one I’d be willing to take if you were in danger.”

Brynn’s gaze darted to the stain on the coffee table as her shoulders sunk and she nodded. “Yes.”

Pippa slowly reached out her hand and placed it on Brynn’s arm. “I can do that.”

Brynn’s expression softened as her eyes glistened with unshed tears. “Thank you. I can start this week, or whenever you need.”

“How about you come in tomorrow after your shift and I’ll walk you through the basics?” Pippa suggested.

“I’ll be there.” Brynn stood and Pippa walked her out. “Thank you again. I promise I’ll be a hard worker.”

“I have no doubt.” Pippa smiled and waved as Brynn disappeared down the stairs. Pippa closed the door. What was Brynn hiding from? Or maybe who? Pippa headed towards the kitchen when another knock halted her steps.

Did Brynn forget something? Pippa opened the door and froze.

“Hey.” Mason’s deep voice sent a shiver through her. Anger welled inside her that he affected her so. He’d been so hot and cold with her. Why is he here?

“What do you need?” She straightened her spine, determined not to let him hurt her again.