Sophia focused the camera on her hand once more. A giant square-cut diamond filled the screen.

“It’s beautiful, Soph. I’m so happy for you.” Pippa’s chest grew full of emotion waiting to bubble out. Her vision turned blurry.

“Thank you! I really just can’t even believe I’m engaged.”

“You deserve all the happiness in the world, sis.”

Sophia’s gaze met Pippa’s. “So do you.”

Pippa shrugged. “I know.” She partially lied. It wasn’t that she didn’t believe she was worthy of love; it was just that loving her came with a lot of burden.

“Babe? You ready?” Vivian’s voice filtered in the background.

Sophia turned her head and called out, “I’ll be right there.” Her sister refocused on Pippa. “I gotta go. We’re going to tell her parents. Oh, speaking of, you should call Dad. He’s been asking about you.”

Pippa made sure her smile didn’t slip. “Sure. You have a good night.”

“You too.” Sophia blew her a kiss and then disconnected.

Pippa stared at her phone a moment longer before bringing her attention back to her hair. She’d call her dad tomorrow.

As she twisted her hair into a bun, she digested everything Sophia had said. Pippa was so happy for her big sister. She’d finally found someone who truly loved and cared for her, after Pippa had messed up Sophia’s first relationship. Pippa closed her eyes and sighed. They were better off if she stayed away. She’d caused her family enough trouble.

Her father’s face flashed in her mind. He’d paid the biggest price of all, sacrificing everything in hopes of giving Pippa a better life. And look where it got him.

She stood from her desk. Lady’s head rose, her eyes looking questioningly towards Pippa. Reaching down, Pippa scratched behind her ears. “Let’s go out for dinner tonight. I don’t feel like eating by myself in the apartment. Besides, I happen to have a copy of the book Charli ordered. And maybe she can tell me a little more about the grumpy Navy man. Let’s kill two birds with one stone and try out The Shipwreck’s new menu. What do you say, girl?”

Lady got to her feet.

“It’s settled, then.”

Twenty minutes later, Pippa crossed the street and headed towards the entrance of The Shipwreck, her bag crisscrossed over her shoulder. A familiar figure leaned against the wood siding by the door, his arms crossed and expression serious.

What is he doing here? Her stomach summersaulted with anxious butterflies. Oh, God. This is where he works security? That must be how he knows Charli.

Mason’s brows drew together and his blue eyes narrowed as they tracked her movements. Pippa’s skin burned from his intense gaze. She offered him a smile and an awkward wave.


He just stared at her.

“Thanks again for today. I had a lot of fun.”

His head tipped as if he’d started to nod and then thought better of it. What had happened to the guy she’d been on the paddleboard with? He’d at least spoken to her. Laughed with her. I thought he was going to kiss me too. Boy had she read him wrong.

“Do you need to check my ID?” she asked, reaching for her purse.

“No. Go ahead.”

Three words. That was all she got. Okay, then. “Have a good night.”

She walked by him, catching him tense out of the corner of her eye before she pushed open the door and entered what could only be described as the belly of a ship that had been sunk to the bottom of the sea. She’d been here once before, also to deliver books. Blue lights cast a watery hue over the room. Round fish tanks decorated the walls on either side of the dance floor where couples moved together to a heady, pulsing beat. Pippa pulled Lady’s leash closer as she weaved past a couple of patrons towards the bar.

Finn, Charli’s husband, was behind the counter fixing drinks. Pippa found an empty seat at the far end and pulled out the book for her friend.

“Hey, Pippa. Haven’t seen you in a while. Can I get you something to drink or eat? We’ve got some new finger foods we’re trying out on the menu,” Finn offered.

“I’d love a virgin piña colada. And maybe a sampler plate?”