Oh. Of course, he’s worried about the baby and my safety. She nodded and unbuckled before she climbed out and walked around the other side. His hand rested on her lower back as he opened the passenger side door and helped her in.

“Thank you.”

He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it before shutting her in. After he climbed in the driver’s side, he drove them towards home.

“How did your appointment go?” she asked.


“Did you discuss your flashbacks?”

Finn sighed. “Did you end up getting the book you wanted?” He motioned to the bag at her feet, completely ignoring her question.

She tucked her hair behind her ear. Reaching down to grab the bag took more effort than it should have. “Yes. And I picked up one I thought might be helpful for you.” She pulled out the PTSD workbook.

His eyes flicked to her purchase before focusing back on the road. His jaw clenched as his hands squeezed tight on the steering wheel. “I don’t have PTSD.”

“You exhibit a lot of the symptoms,” she said carefully.

“How can I when I don’t remember any of what happened?”

“What about your nightmares?”

He shook his head. “They’re just dreams. Probably not real.”

“Did you tell your doctor about them?”



“I don’t have PTSD,” he repeated.

“You have panic attacks.”

“So do a lot of people,” he argued.

“What about trying some alternative ways to get the memories back? Like, maybe hypnotherapy?”

“I’m already going to the doctor every other day. I don’t need any more fucking appointments!”

Charli sighed, frustrated. “You don’t want to see a therapist, and you obviously don’t want any more doctor visits. So I thought maybe trying something different or even just taking a look at this book could help.”

“Charlotte—” He slammed his hand on the wheel.

He never called her by her full first name. Not unless he was angry or something was really bothering him. Well, tough luck. He couldn’t fault her for trying to help. She wasn’t going to walk on eggshells again. He promised he’d work through this with her. And she was going to hold him to his word. “You promised me we’d figure this out together. I’m simply offering you a way to do that.”

He remained silent.

“I ran into Laura today.” Literally. Too bad I didn’t knock her over or spill something hot on her.

Finn growled. “I thought we agreed to leave the past where it belongs?”

“She had some interesting things to say to me.”

Finn shook his head and turned down their street.

“Is her number still in your phone?”