Finn shook it.

“Damon was telling me all about how you and Bently found him the treatment center in Colorado,” Charli supplied, a flash of hurt crossing her features as she looked to Bently. “Seems the old Finn and the new one both knew how to keep secrets,” she added.

“You promised me you’d never send me back to a hospital after what happened the last time.” Damon reached out to grab his sister’s hand. “Finn knew you would blame yourself. So, he and Bently convinced me to go get help in order to protect you. That’s all I ever wanted.”

Charli pulled him into a hug. “I know, big brother. I know. It wasn’t your fault. I know you’d never hurt me willingly.”

“But I did. And I needed help. I got it. And I’m doing good. I just . . . wanted you to know that. I didn’t want you to worry. And I really needed to see you.”

“I’m glad you came.”

A car pulled up in the driveway, and a tall, blond man stepped out, giving a wave as he approached slowly. Damon waved back. “I’d like to introduce you to my husband.”

Charli covered her mouth, tears welling in her eyes. But this time they seemed like tears of joy. “Who’s the lucky guy?”

Damon chuckled. “I am . . . Steven, this is my sister, Charlotte, and her husband, Finn. And that’s our friend Bently,” Damon introduced them.

Steven reached out his hand to shake theirs. “So glad to finally meet you. Damon’s told me so much about you.”

Damon wrapped his arm around his husband’s waist and kissed his cheek. His eyes shone with affection. Steven smiled, a slight blush creeping up his neck.

“We’re just visiting for the weekend. But maybe we can come back after my nephew is born?” Damon asked, his gaze flicking uncertainly between Charli and Finn.

“I’d love that.” Charli grinned, her eyes shimmering with hope.

* * *

After a little conversation, Steven and Damon excused themselves for dinner reservations in the city.

“Come by tomorrow. Stay for dinner,” Finn offered.

Damon smiled, the light shining in his eyes matching his sister’s. “We’d like that.”

Finn wrapped his hand around Charli’s waist. Charli moved away, breaking the connection as they waved goodbye. Regret clamored inside his rib cage, slicing through flesh and leaving lasting reminders of just how bad he’d fucked this up.

Bently cleared his throat, standing in front of them. “Listen, I was on my way here to deliver some news when I passed by Finn.”

Charli’s body stiffened. “What is it?”

“The man you identified, Phillip Feller, he admits to being at the bar that night and getting too rowdy. Said he never came back—didn’t attack you.”

“It was him.” Charli was adamant.

“The DNA results—took so long with the backlog . . . Phillip wasn’t a match.”

“No—there’s no way.” Charli shook her head. “I saw him. It was dark . . . but he . . . it had to be him. Who else would have done it?”

Bently reached out, pulling Charli into a hug. “Sometimes when something traumatic happens, your memory isn’t the most reliable. It could be someone who looked like him. We’ll find him, Charli. But until then, stay safe. Don’t go out alone.” Bently’s gaze bore into Finn’s. “Keep her close.”

“I will,” Finn promised.

“I’ll have one of my guys go get your bike and return it if you want?” Bently offered as Charli slipped from his arms.

Finn handed over the keys from his pocket. “Thanks, man.”

Bently nodded before reaching out to Charli’s shoulder. “Charli, I made you a promise when all this happened. I intend to follow through. I’ll get him.” Bently headed to his truck.

Once he was out of sight, she gave a long exhale and turned towards the house. He followed her.