“I can go in the back,” Finn offered.

His friend seemed to think it over. “I have backup three minutes out.”

“Don’t wait. Please. That’s my family in there.”

Bently nodded. “Stay out of sight.” He walked up to the door and knocked. The shuffling of feet came closer, and Charli opened the door.

“I was in the neighborhood and thought I’d stop by. See how you were doing,” Bently said as if this was any other day.

“It’s okay. Damon’s okay,” Charli said, opening the door wider.

Finn stepped forward. Charli’s eyes flicked to his, eyebrows drawn together. Bently went inside, saying something on his radio, as she stepped down and approached Finn. “My brother is here. I haven’t seen him in . . . years.”

“I’m sorry. I assumed the worst, and then I just left you.”

“Did you think I was cheating on you?” Her wide, brown eyes searched his.

He nodded. “I found a journal in the garage. It mentioned Damon, but it never said who he was to you. I filled in the blanks myself. And then . . . I went to see Laura—”

Charli’s mouth dropped open as she reared back. “Wh-why?” Her tone incredulous and laced with pain.

“I thought maybe talking things over with her could trigger a memory . . . and give me some closure.”

She wiped her glassy eyes. “You went to talk to your ex—the one you remember—when you won’t even have a conversation with me?”

“That isn’t—I wasn’t trying to hurt you.”

She blew out a puff of air and shook her head. “Well, you did. Deeply. I’ve tried everything I can think of to help you. To get through to you. It seems like we are making progress and then you freeze me out. I can’t do this, Finn. These secrets are eating me alive.”

He reached out and cupped her face in his hands. Her eyes closed like she couldn’t bear to look at him.

“Charli-baby, I don’t know what to say, except I’m so fucking sorry. Laura told me you lied about her cheating on me, that you were the one who had other men while I’d been deployed.”

“And you believed her?” His wife’s eyes narrowed on him, pain and disbelief shimmering in her tears.

Regret clawed at him. Shame weighed his shoulders down and held his voice hostage. He nodded.

“Wow. I don’t know what else to say to that. I understand you see me as a stranger, but to think that low of me.” She turned away, backing out of his arms. Charli slipped through his fingers along with the last remnants of hope.

“I swear to you, I won’t keep anything else from you. I will try to talk to you. Open up about . . . all of it. I’ll do whatever it takes to show you I’m in this. I want this life with you, Charli. I want to be a better man. Help me find my way.” He held out his hand to her, waiting for her to give him a shred of faith he didn’t deserve.

She hesitated, looking between him and his hand. “I vowed to be your wife. In sickness and heath. In the good times and the bad times. But I will not put up with you icing me out, smashing things, and scaring me again. You need time to cool off—that’s fine. But tell me. Don’t just storm off making me wonder if you’ll ever come back. I’m on your team. Everything I do is for our life, together.”

He dropped to his knees, leaning against her belly as he wrapped his hands around her thighs. “I swear it.”

She threaded her fingers through his hair. “I want to believe you, Finn.”

“I’ll show you,” he promised, kissing her belly and standing up.

Damon appeared in the doorway, looking sheepishly at Finn. “I’m sorry I didn’t call ahead. I figured you wouldn’t let me come.”

Finn’s brows drew together as he stood. “I’m sorry.” Sorry for not remembering. Sorry for not being enough. Sorry for keeping secrets.

“I was telling Charli and Bently, I got help in that place you sent me to. I’m on the right medication. It helps with the hallucinations. I mean, I still hear them, but I know they aren’t real.”


“I got a job. I have my own place now in Colorado. I’m doing good. So, thank you.” Damon stretched out his hand to Finn.