Footsteps padded outside their stall before another door opened and closed, a lock clicking into place. More company.

She reached for the button on his jeans. But his hand halted her. “Get dressed.”

“But what about you?” Disappointment flit across her expression, and damn if it didn’t make him harder. The woman had shown him more than once how magical that mouth was. But this was about her. He wanted to prove to her that he could take care of her, be there for her. That they were in this together.

“That was for me, beautiful.” He kissed her again. “I wanted to show you how grateful I am for all you’ve done.”

She smiled, and god damn if it didn’t make his heartbeat falter. “Hearing you say that means a lot to me. I think . . . I think we’d been together so long we started taking each other for granted somewhere along the way.”

“Maybe we can do it right this time.”

Her eyes glistened with hope as she nodded.

“Now get dressed so we can go pay for the stuff and get lunch.”

“Yes, sir.” She saluted him.

“Smartass,” he said under his breath.

“I thought you liked my ass.” She wiggled her hips in front of him.

He leaned against her ear. “I’d like to smack that ass until it turns pink, but that would get us caught in here.”

Her mouth dropped open. Maybe he’d taken it too far?

She licked her lips and whispered back, “Promise?”

Fuck me. The old Finn knew what he was doing when he picked Charlotte. She was a goddess among women. It was time they took this to the next level.



Finn pushed the mop across the bare, wood floor. Alternative music quietly bled through the near-empty bar. Charli was busy behind the counter, wiping everything down while she chatted with the last two stragglers.

“Your ride is here.” Mason held the door open for the couple.

They got up, leaning against each other and giving a wave.

Mason locked the door behind them. “Do you guys need anything before I go?”

Charli swiped some of the hair that had come loose from her braid out of her face. “No, we got this. Go home and get some sleep before you gotta get that little girl of yours up for school.”

“Aspen isn’t quite so little anymore.” He chuckled. “She likes to remind me of that every day.”

“I bet. She’s twelve now, isn’t she?” Charli asked.

“Twelve going on sixteen.” Mason rubbed a hand over his scarred face.

Finn put the mop back in the bucket and wheeled it towards them.

Mason turned to Finn. “Be thankful you’re having a boy. They may be trouble of a different kind, but damn if I know what to do with a teenage girl.”

Finn nodded. Being responsible for a young woman was a terrifying thought. It seemed there was so much more to be worried about.

“Alright, I’ll see you guys tomorrow. Lock up behind me, Finn,” Mason reminded him as he turned and headed out the front door with Finn on his heels.

Finn clicked the lock closed and walked towards Charli. She bent over, restocking the bottom fridge. Her firm ass was so round and tempting. His cock twitched in his pants.