Finn nodded. “Any advice?”

“Looks to me like you’re doing a fine job. One thing I wish I had at the time was access to more knowledge about the whole process. Back then, and in my country, we men didn’t really learn much about the process a woman’s body goes through.” Solomon took another sip of his beer. “Enjoy this part, because when they come out, that’s when the real worry starts.” Solomon chuckled.

“You’re scaring him, Papa.” Link nudged his father.

“Well, maybe he will get lucky and his baby will be an angel. You were a troublemaker. Still are,” Solomon teased.

“It’s a boy,” Finn admitted.

“It’s good to ease into the parenting thing with a boy. Count your blessings, son. Having a girl, now that’s terrifying,” Solomon said, staring past Finn.

“Emma was just as troublesome as me, if not more,” Link argued.

“Ahhh, my Emma can do no wrong. Her heart is always in the right place,” Solomon added.

Link huffed. “Yeah, she’s had you wrapped around her little finger since her mother brought her to us.”

“She needed someone to look out for her, god knows that woman wasn’t.” Solomon tipped back his bottle and drained the last of his drink.

“I think she’s your favorite.” Link peeled the label from his bottle.

“She is.” Solomon smiled.

“Papa! Seriously?”

Finn chuckled at the astonished expression on Link’s face.

“She’s my favorite daughter, and you’re my favorite son.” Mr. Owusu got to his feet.

Link just shook his head and took another sip. “I run your shop for you, and this is the thanks I get.”

“Ahhh, don’t throw a tantrum, Link.” Solomon looked to Finn and winked. “See, he’s still trouble.”

Finn smiled. Watching these two go back and forth was one of his favorite things to do when they came in during his shifts.

Solomon patted his hand, meeting Finn’s eyes. “You keep doing what you’re doing. Just be there for her and listen. Women love a listening ear. Take care of her, and she’ll take care of you. Charli is one of the good ones.”

Yes, she was. He was beginning to realize that, bit by bit, day by day. Charli wasn’t one to run away when things got hard, or she’d be gone by now. So, what was still holding him back from going all in?



Charli stepped into the bath, sighing as the hot water enveloped her in a steamy, lavender-scented hug. Little bits of the Epsom salts bit into her flesh, but it didn’t matter. For the first time in hours, she was off her swollen feet and able to enjoy the silence.

Finn had been right. She needed this. Her belly poked out from the water, the line of suds forming a rim around her pink flesh. She pressed her hand on her baby bump as her son moved inside her in tiny, clustered flutters.

“Your daddy is acting more and more like his old self every day.”

She closed her eyes and relaxed her head on the edge of the tub, taking a deep breath of the steam-filled air. “We have to find a name for you.” What would Finn choose? She’d have to ask him. She picked up her phone to text him when an unopened message caught her eye.

Sender unknown: I’ve waited long enough. I’m coming back for you.

Chills skated across her skin. This couldn’t be her attacker; he was in jail. So, who would send her this? Was it a wrong number? Or maybe . . . was it Damon? She hadn’t changed her number, so that if he ever needed to, he could reach out to her.

Charli: Who is this?

When an answer didn’t come after a few minutes, she dialed Bently. Her nerves were a stone ball in her belly.