She kneeled before him, hands resting on his thighs, and tipped his chin up to meet her gaze. “How are you really feeling about all of this?” Worry creased her brow.

“It’s a lot . . .”

She sucked that bottom lip into her mouth again, biting down.

He pressed his thumb against her lip, pulling it away from her teeth. “We’re gonna have a son.”

Nodding, her eyes searched his. Tension grew thick in the room. A heavy cloud of expectation and uncertainty gathered between them.

“It’s so much more real now.” He cleared his throat, emotion clogging.

“I know you don’t remember, and it’s more difficult for you . . .”

He pressed his hand over her belly, reaching out for some sort of connection with the tiny human growing inside his wife. His son. “I’m amazed. But I’m also excited, and if I’m being honest, terrified.”

“Me too.” She sighed into his arms. “I’m scared I’m gonna mess this all up.”

He rubbed the back of her head as she snuggled against his chest. “We’ve got this. Together.”

If only Finn could remember, then everything would be easier.

* * *

Later that evening, Charli wiped down the bar. Music from the sound system played, allowing the small crowd still going strong a rhythm to dance to. She reached below to pick up a case of beer.

Finn’s hand shot out to stop her. “Hey, I’ll do it. You shouldn’t be lifting these anyways.” He brought the case to the fridge and restocked the bottles.

“I’m not made of glass. I can still lift things, just not more than fifty pounds.” She huffed.

“Don’t want to take any chances. Besides, I’m here. Might as well let me do it.” He broke down the box as she pressed a hand to her lower back.

She shifted her weight from foot to foot. Stubborn woman was clearly uncomfortable and in pain, and yet she kept pushing. He set the box in the back room as she filled a drink order for Link and his dad.

When he returned, he wrapped his arms around her from behind, tucking his chin to her neck, inhaling her scent.

“Finn.” She giggled, swatting his arm.

“Why don’t you go home early, draw a bath, and relax. I’ll close up with Mason.”

She turned to face him. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah. I can handle this. I’ll walk you to the car and see if Mason can drop me off after.”

Her gaze roamed over him, studying him in part surprise, part happiness. “Okay.”

He kissed her lips, pulling her tighter in his arms, but being careful of her belly. When he released her, Charli’s cheeks were flushed and her eyes glazed and watery.

Worry cinched his gut. “Are you alright?”

She nodded, swallowing. “It’s just . . . I feel like you’re coming back to me.”

He smiled. If only he felt it too. If only I remembered. All he was doing was trying to keep his head above water. But if she was feeling better, he was doing something right.

“Come on. Let’s get you home.”

* * *

When Finn returned, Mr. Owusu gave him a knowing look. “I can remember when my wife was pregnant with Link. I was so protective of her.”