She opened her eyes, needing to witness the sincerity in his.

Pain was etched across the lines in his face and determination in the creases of the corner of his eyes. “That stops now. I want to be a better man. For you. And for our child.”

Charli couldn’t stop the bubble that expanded and filled her insides with bright rays of faith. Was this real? Could they really begin anew? She’d been here the whole time, just waiting on him. If Finn was all in, it meant she could have her life back.

A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips. Finn’s expression immediately relaxed, hope shining back in his brown eyes. Charli swept her gaze over him. The bubble deflated at the imprint of red lipstick on his white collar. Bile rose in her throat as the floor dropped out from below her. Her knees gave way and she collapsed to the stairs.

Finn’s arms immediately wrapped around her. “Charli? What’s wrong? Is it the baby?” His worry seemed so sincere. But so had his eyes only a moment ago.

She pushed him away with all her might, and he stumbled back, catching himself on the railing. “What the hell?”

Charli got to her feet, one hand on her belly as she moved through the pain tearing her up inside. But she needed a straight answer. “Did you fuck someone else?”

He blinked and took a step back, presumably from her harsh words. “No!” He shook his head vehemently. “Charli, I’d never—”

She pointed to the lipstick stain. “Then what the fuck is that? And why do you smell like perfume? You’re covered in glitter.”

He pulled his collar and looked down, understanding or maybe recognition flitting across his face. Holding his hands up, he said, “It’s not what you think.”

“Stop! Just stop. I don’t want to hear another word from your mouth.”

“But I can explain—”

“Finn, if you have even an ounce of care for me in your heart, you won’t say another goddamned word.”

His mouth snapped shut.

Charli turned and went up to her bedroom, locking the door and climbing into her bed as the pain of heartbreak doused the little bit of faith she’d had left. Her tears stopped as she lay there alone in the dark, lost in her grief. A cold numbness settled into her bones at the realization that her marriage was really over.



Beep! Beep! Beeeeep! Fire! Fire! Fire! Charli jolted upright as the alarm shrieked. The smell of smoke had her jumping out of bed and rushing down the stairs as she ignored the soreness in her muscles.

Curses came from the kitchen as Charli searched for the source of the emergency. Finn waved a dish towel over a smoking pan by the window he must have opened.

Charli released a breath. She walked over to the sink and turned the water on. She grabbed Finn’s arm, tugging him over. “Put it under there.”

He listened. The hot pan sizzled and popped as steam rose.

“Wave the towel under the alarm,” she directed.

He obeyed, and a moment later the alarm stopped screeching. She surveyed the kitchen. Lumpy pancake batter dripped down the edge of the bowl by the stove. The room reeked of burned food. A colorful assortment of roses from the counter had her stomach hardening and her body heating with anger.

“What the hell is this?” she snapped.

“I, uh, got you flowers, and I was going to make you breakfast in bed,” Finn said, tucking his hands in his pockets.

“You think a bouquet and some burned pancakes are going to make up for you cheating on me?”

His mouth dropped open as he shook his head. “N-no. Never. But that isn’t what happened last night.”

She shook her head as he looked helplessly around the room.

He picked up a mug and handed it to her. “I made you tea. I read that too much caffeine isn’t good for the baby, so it’s decaf.”

She stared at the cup. He was trying. She should take it. Though if he had cheated, she’d more likely want to throw it at him. But if there was any thread of truth that he hadn’t . . . She owed it to the Finn she’d made vows to, to listen. Finn had never been a liar.