“My friend, Finn Reed,” Stew supplied.

Recognition flashed in those dark eyes before his gaze turned menacing. His face twisted into a snarl.

“Finn was in an accident. He’s got amnesia. He forgot everything. Remember, I told you?”

Why was Stewart talking to his boss about him?

“Isn’t that convenient?”

Actually, it was far from it. A sick feeling twisted in Finn’s gut. The wisp of a warning flit into his consciousness and left before he could grasp it. Damn it.

“You having a good time?”

“He doesn’t want my company.” Candy pouted, thrusting her barely covered breasts out.

Angelo’s eyes narrowed. “My club’s pussy ain’t good enough for you?”

Finn sat straighter, his body growing rigid. “No, I just—I’m married,” he repeated.

Angelo’s smile was predatory. “Yeah, I remember.”

This guy knew Charli? A chill skated up his spine. He needed to get out of here. “Look, I better get home. Thanks for the drinks.” Finn nudged Candy out of the booth so he could stand. Even at his full height of six-three, Stewart’s boss towered over him by another three inches.

“You don’t leave until I excuse you,” Angelo growled.

“Look, buddy, I don’t want any trouble.” Finn risked a glance at Stewart, who nervously stared at his boss as he got to his feet.

“I’ll show him out.”

“No. My boys will show him the door.” Angelo nodded, and the two men flanking him grabbed Finn’s arms.

Their hands clamped down and Finn jerked and pulled away reflexively. His knees bent slightly, hands lifting in front of his face into fists. “I know the way.”

“Don’t fight them, Finn,” Stewart said, sympathy written across his features as he followed them. He waved to his boss, who stood there, eyes glued to Finn as he was dragged towards the door.

“What the fuck?” Fine. If Dumb and Dumber wanted to hold his hand to the door, whatever. As long as he could get out of this place.

They pushed him out into the cold air, digging their fingers into his flesh.

“Ease up, man!” Finn yelled.

Dumb laughed before Dumber’s fist came out of nowhere. Finn ducked, but the crony’s knuckle grazed his cheek. Pain split his face as he dropped low and moved reflexively, taking out Dumber’s legs. Where did I learn that move? Maybe his body remembered more than he thought from his time in the military. A small bloom of comfort flit through his chest that his old self was still in his subconscious.

Stew jumped onto the other guy’s back. Finn pulled his fist and swung, meeting flesh. Dumber groaned in pain, swearing as he swiped his hand and missed.

“Stop!” Angelo’s voice boomed.

Finn backed up, arms up, ready for another fight. But the glint of the metal of a gun pointed at him had him raising his hands in surrender. “They attacked me first, man.”

“I got this handled, boss,” Stewart said.

Angelo’s thumb cocked the gun.

Finn held his breath. I should have listened to Charli. Should have given her a chance to explain the journal entry.

Fuck, he’d acted like an ass. And all for what? Is this how it all ended? Flashes of their last conversation slammed through his mind. He ground his molars, ashamed.

The blare of a siren split the tense night air. The sound gave him a shred of hope as they grew louder.