A scantily clad woman appeared with a black tray, setting a napkin in front of both of them.

Stewart leaned forward. “Yeah. My boss, Angelo, keeps it open for his employees.” Stewart grabbed the ass of the waitress and pulled her closer as she bent forward. He said something in her ear before she nodded and turned to leave. He smacked her behind.

“That’s quite the perk,” Finn said, tapping his leg.

It was loud in here. And the crowd wasn’t helping. The woman returned, setting a couple of glasses in front of them. She poured them half full of amber liquid before leaving the bottle in the center of the table.

Stewart picked his up and raised it in a toast. “To new beginnings and fresh starts.”

Finn lifted his, clinking the glass to his friend’s. “To a fresh start.”

The liquor burned his throat and he winced.

“Good stuff, huh?” Stewart smiled and waved to someone over Finn’s shoulder.

“Yeah.” Finn took another sip.

“You deserve to let loose once in a while.” Stewart picked up the bottle and refilled Finn’s glass.

“What do you do for work now?”

“I’m into a little bit of everything. Come on, man. We’re here to get drunk and enjoy the ladies. No shoptalk. Tonight is about showing you everything you’ve been missing.” Stewart lifted his drink again.

Finn took another gulp, the bite getting easier the more he drank. The alcohol flooded his veins as a warm buzz took over his body. He relaxed into the velvet seat. A soft hand wrapped around his shoulder, a strong floral scent cloying to its owner.

“Hey, baby. You two look lonely over here. Thought you could use some company,” she purred, slipping onto his lap.

Finn tensed. Charli. He was a married man. Even if Charli had cheated on him, he wasn’t that kind of guy. He moved over, setting her onto the cushion next to him.

She giggled. Two other women surrounded Stewart. His hands hung over their shoulders, fondling their breasts.

“Do you prefer blondes?” Stewart asked.

“N-no. I just—I’m married.”

“What Charli doesn’t know won’t hurt her,” Stewart said before pulling down the top of the redhead next to him. He whispered into the other blonde woman’s ear. She leaned in and sucked the exposed nipple of the redhead into her mouth.

Fuck that was hot. Finn’s pants grew tight, and the brunette next to him slid her hand over his thigh and kissed his neck.

His hand shot out to stop her. “Stop.”

She pulled back, her eyebrows drawing together as she licked her ruby red lips. “You seem so tense. Let me help you relax.”

She sucked his earlobe into her mouth and he jerked away. “What’s your name?”

“Whatever you want it to be,” she said saccharine sweet. When he didn’t say anything, she replied, “Candy.”

Doubt it. “Okay, Candy, look, you’re a beautiful woman, but I’m not available. You’d be better off finding some other guy here.”

“You don’t want a taste? I can give you the best blow job you’ve ever had.” Her voice was saccharine sweet in his ear.

Shit, that sounded good. But her touch made his skin crawl. Because she wasn’t Charli. Damn it. He was so fucked up.

“What the fuck is this?” A big man stood over their table, his shoulders broad. He was young, mid-twenties maybe. Two men flanked him either side. Stewart pushed the women apart in front of him and sat forward. “Hey, Angelo. Just showing my friend here what a nice place you have.”

The big man pinned Finn with two dark eyes. He ran a hand through his long black hair and slicked it back. Gold rings glinted on his fingers.

“I know you,” Angelo said, stepping forward.