He clenched his fist and slammed the journal onto the counter, his chest heaving. Damn it! His own body was betraying him. He squeezed his eyes shut. He’d thought he could trust Charli. Apparently, he’d been mistaken. But she’d been kind and patient with him. She’d done so much. Would a woman like that lie? Maybe he should ask her? But how can I know she’d tell me what really happened?

It was here in his own damn handwriting. Wasn’t it? She couldn’t be trustworthy if she’d been having an affair. She’d just been taking advantage of this whole situation. Hadn’t she? He’d kissed her—what was the point? She was a stranger. Would he ever find out the truth?



Charli scrubbed the dishes in the sink and checked the clock. Five p.m. Finn had been gone when she woke up like he had the last three mornings, and the only reason she knew he’d returned was the music blaring from the garage. She’d brought him out lunch but he’d refused it, saying he wasn’t hungry. But she was starving—for him. Seeing him with grease on his cheek, his jeans clinging to his sculpted ass, and that white T-shirt covered with black stains. Good god, she’d nearly melted into a puddle at his feet. She was used to going months without sex because of his deployments. But he was here, sleeping in the same damn house, torturing her. Not to mention, today was her birthday. And birthday sex was always something extra special when he was home. And when he wasn’t—they’d made up for that too.

He’d been quiet, withdrawing again. Hadn’t they made progress? Maybe she’d pushed him too hard. Fuck! This was so frustrating. She just wanted to help, but she didn’t know how. I want my Finn back.

The door creaked open. She turned around with a smile, only to have it disappear entirely as she laid eyes on the second man through the door. She swallowed and cut her eyes to Finn. “Hey.” Her voice wavered.

Finn wiped his hands on a dirty rag before slipping it into his pocket. “You know Stewart?”

Charli nodded, flicking her gaze to the pale man beside him. Stewart didn’t look much different than the last time she’d seen him. He was as oily as ever. His narrowed blue eyes made her shift uncomfortably. He smiled smugly. Why is he here? “Yeah, it’s been awhile.”

Stewart rubbed a hand over his long beard before turning to Finn. “Yeah, but I understand you had other things going on. Being pussy whipped only lasts so long. I knew eventually you’d come to your senses.”

Charli cut Finn a questioning look. Surely, he’d say something, stand up for her. He’d cut Stewart out of their lives years ago.

Finn just stared back at her with a blank look.

“You up for a ride? Catch up for old time’s sake? I got this place we can have a few drinks you’re gonna love.” Stewart chuckled, insinuation in every syllable.

What was going on?

“Yeah, sounds good. I’ll be ready in an hour,” Finn said, brushing past her to the fridge to grab two Gatorades. He threw Stewart one.

The man caught it and waved it in the air. “Sounds good. I’ll be back.” He turned and left, the front door closing behind him the only sound in the room.

Finn drained the drink and tossed the bottle into the recycling bin.

“We’re supposed to have dinner with your parents tonight.”

“Well, I’m going out instead,” he snapped, giving her his back as he headed towards the bathroom.

Charli blinked a few times. She shook her head, anger welling up. He may need her patience, but he wouldn’t speak to her like that.

She followed him, opening the bathroom door. He had his clothes off down to his boxers.

“Jesus! Haven’t you heard of knocking?”

“What is going on with you?”

He stood straighter and rolled his eyes. “Nothing.”

“Finn, you don’t—you can’t talk to me like that. I want to help. I want to be here for you.”

His jaw clenched as he looked away, hands balled into fists.

“You cut Stewart out of your life years ago. And I don’t trust him—”

“And you’re the expert on who’s trustworthy, huh?” His brown eyes burned with warning. What was she missing?

“I just want you to be careful.” Her voice trembled, her emotions much harder to control with the pregnancy hormones.

“I know Stew. I remember him.”