“All done?”

“Yeah. Do you mind if I drive back?” Finn asked.


He backed up, and she hopped out of the car, slipping around to the passenger side. Her hand reached out to grab the handle, but he beat her to it. Yanking her palm away before she touched him, she eyed him warily as he opened the door for her.

She hesitated a moment and then climbed inside. Apparently, he was opening doors for her now? Finn climbed into the driver’s side and buckled up before shifting the car into gear and driving out of the parking lot towards home.

“I brought you some pie from the diner.” Charli broke the silence.

“You did?”

“Yeah, apple or pecan pie.”

“Thank you . . . Which one is your favorite?”

Charli tried not to let her jaw drop to the floor. Was Finn actually having a conversation with her now? “Apple.”

“Pecan is mine.” He turned at the light, getting on the highway.

“I know.”

He nodded, glancing over to her before focusing back on the road.

She drew in a breath. Might as well take advantage of this moment. “How was your appointment?”

“They gave me a couple of new prescriptions. I got them filled around the corner. That’s why I was a little late.”

“Oh, I could have driven over there and picked you up.”

“It’s okay. I needed the fresh air.”

She nodded, unsure of what to say. She flicked the radio on, letting the music fill the silence until they pulled into their driveway.

An idea flitted through Charli’s mind. Finn seemed to be having a better day. Maybe a night out would help him not feel so stuck. “Do you think you’d want to go out to dinner tonight?” Holding her breath, she unbuckled herself. When he didn’t answer, she glanced over at him.

His gaze met hers and held for what seemed like the first time since his accident. “Yeah, that sounds good. Where do you have in mind?”

“We could go into the city? To Alfonso’s?”

He hesitated.

“Too bad Atlas’s restaurant isn’t open for business yet, then we wouldn’t have to go too far.”


Right. Of course, he doesn’t remember. “He’s dating Jasmine, and he bought the old fish market down by the bay.”

“Wow. But she’s so young. I mean, the way I remember her.” Finn leaned his head on the back of the seat.

“She’s a mom too.”

He shook his head and smiled. “Damn.”

“What time do you want to go? I’ll call and make us a reservation.” She tapped the app open on her phone.

“Uh, six?”