Charli turned her attention back to the diner. One of their newer residents, Brynn, eyed her worriedly.

“I—I just thought . . . I thought someone was following me,” Charli admitted.

Brynn’s worry flashed with panic as her eyes darted to the window overlooking the street. “What did he look like?”

“Brown coat and a blue baseball cap.” Charli shut the door and focused past the glass to the street bustling with other townsfolk and tourists. The tension between the women was palpable. Guilt pressed over her shoulders. Brynn had enough fear to deal with without Charli adding to it. “Maybe I was wrong. It was probably nothing.”

Brynn turned to her. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah. Probably just paranoid. Bently stopped in to see me yesterday with an update on my case.” Charli walked towards the counter as Brynn followed. A few other patrons looked up as she passed, one older lady smiled at her. She nodded back before taking a barstool.

Brynn slipped around the other side. “Did they catch him?” She whispered only loud enough for Charli to hear.

Brynn knew the whole story, because Charli had shared it last year at the meeting they both attended for survivors of sexual assault. Charli hadn’t been raped, but he’d threatened, and he would have if he hadn’t been interrupted. His slimy hands had touched her—assaulted her. No matter how hard she fought, she’d still lost in the end. She’d passed out believing she was going to die, alone in the dark. All she had been able to think about was Finn.

Brynn’s warm hand landed on hers, tentatively offering her comfort. Charli met her sympathetic gaze. Though Brynn had only shared bits and pieces of her story, it was enough to know the woman had been through more pain than any human should know.

“I’m okay. I think I just need some food.” Charli forced a smile.

Brynn nodded and pulled her hand away to grab a pen and notepad from her apron. “What’ll it be?”

“I’ve been craving a mint-chocolate milkshake and a cheeseburger with bacon and extra pickles. And maybe a couple slices of pie to go.”

A small smile turned up the corner of Brynn’s mouth. Everything about the woman was small and muted, like she didn’t want to be noticed. “I remember the cravings I had when I was pregnant with David. I wanted the weirdest things. Onion rings dipped in tartar sauce.” Brynn’s nose wrinkled.

“Can’t say that sounds very appetizing.” Charli laughed.

“Pretzels dipped in peanut butter.”

“That’s a little less weird.”

Brynn chuckled quietly. “Pickled eggs.”

Charli’s mouth watered at the thought of a tangy egg. “No, thanks. Just the burger and pickles for me.”

“Coming right up.”

After a few minutes, Brynn came back with her milkshake. “Extra thick, so here’s a spoon.”

“Thank you.” Charli took the first mouthful and groaned as minty, chocolaty goodness erupted on her taste buds.

A man a few seats over turned to look at her, his face glowing red before he refocused on his plate. A puff of air came from Brynn as if she’d started to laugh and stopped. “That good, huh?”

“You have no idea.” It was better than sex—almost. Not really, but she hadn’t had any since before Finn left for his fishing trip. Now she had to live with the man without touching him, and it was pure unadulterated torture. Though he’d been avoiding her this past week, which made it a tad bit easier. She’d had to take care of business herself, which barely took the edge off. Stupid pregnancy hormones. Today was actually the first time he’d strung more than a few words together to her. Maybe he just needed more time and space. She wanted to be there for him, but he wouldn’t let her in. Something old Finn and the new one had in common.

“Your lunch, mama.” Brynn slid the plate in front of her.

She inhaled, smelling the meaty cheesy masterpiece before her. “How’s David doing?” Charli asked as Brynn reset the coffee pot.

A ghost of a smile danced across Brynn’s lips as her blue eyes lit up. “He’s doing great.”

“Are you still homeschooling him?”

Brynn nodded, a shadow crossing her features. “Mm-hmm.”

Charli bit into her burger before washing it down with another sip of the shake.

“I just wish there was a way for him to make some friends . . . like him. You know?” Brynn said.