“We can go back and forth over what was whose fault, or we can both be grateful for our second, or third, or whatever chance we’re on now. You’re alive. Our baby is safe and healthy. I’m okay. Let’s just move forward together. Leave the past where it belongs. And trust that we both did what we thought we had to in that moment.”

He nodded and then winced. “Okay.”

“Are you in pain?”

“Just a headache. How about you?”

She rested her hand over his on her abdomen. “I’m much better now that you’re here.”

He leaned down, touching his forehead to hers. “I knew I loved you since the first time I saw you.”

She gasped. “What?”

“I didn’t touch Laura after I met you. It just didn’t feel right. That’s why she turned to Ricky. I just didn’t know what to do with how I felt. Didn’t know what it meant.”

“You—you remember?” she asked, stunned.

“All of it. I remember everything.” He kissed her, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth. His tongue melded with hers, as she melted against him.

All the grief, all the pain they’d been through only made this moment that much sweeter. Joy burned inside her chest like the sun, incinerating the remnants of the shadows that had taken up residence these past months. Her husband held her, cherishing her with his lips, with his gentle, possessive touch reaching her soul.


Eight Months Later - Charli

Charli leaned against the doorframe of the nursery. The sight of Finn rocking their eight-month-old to sleep made Charli’s ovaries ache. If she wasn’t already completely head over heels in love with the man, this would have surely done her in.

He kissed his son’s forehead before he set Jamison in his crib. Turning towards her, he gave her a wink and a smirk as if he knew what he did to her. Finn grabbed her hand and tugged her towards their bedroom. She followed, taking one last glance towards their slumbering babe.

“Zack called while you were putting Jamison to sleep,” Charli whispered.

Finn stopped and turned to face her as they entered the bedroom. “How is he doing?”

She shrugged. “He sounded okay. He said they’re doing a memorial barbeque with the rest of the guys from your unit for Smithson on the anniversary of his death next month. Wanted me to let you know we’re invited.”

Finn nodded, concern lines marring his features. “I wish I could have been there for him when everything happened. Eric fucking loved him with everything in him. Because of the amnesia, I abandoned him too.”

Charli lifted her hand to his cheek. “Hey. Zack knows why you couldn’t be there. The other guys from your unit were. He was surrounded by both his own and Eric’s family. And now you can go to the memorial too.”

Finn sighed. “You’re right. I can’t control the past. But I can be there for him now.”

“So we’re going to Washington next month?”


She smiled, leaning up on her tippy-toes to kiss his cheek. He pulled her against his chest and kicked the bedroom door shut before turning the baby monitor on. His lips crashed over hers, hungry yet gentle, pressing her to the door.

Finn stepped back, breathing hard. Each rise and fall of his chest brushed against her sensitive nipples, pebbling under his desire-filled gaze. “You’re so beautiful. Every day, I just can’t believe you’re mine.”

She traced her finger over the jagged scar on the side of his head—a reminder of what she’d almost lost, of everything she’d gained.

His palm enclosed around hers, dragging it to his heart. “How satisfied is my wife this week sexually?” One corner of his mouth curved up.

She looked at the ceiling, pretending to think. “Hmm. Well, I’d say it’s an eight out of ten.”

“I see.” He pressed his lips to her neck, to the sensitive patch of skin right below her ear.

Chills skated down her arms and legs. Desire pooled in her center, flames lapping the edges.