Everyone laughed, including her husband.

“Jackass,” Finn mumbled.

Bently smirked. “These two have something special. And I’m honored to be a part of your lives. Now, for the vows. Finn?”

Finn licked his lips. “Charli-baby, I promise to love you until the end of time. I swear I’ll work my ass off to be the man you deserve. I will be honest and true, even when it hurts. I’ll protect you with my life. I’ll be by your side through the good and the difficult. Because at the end of the day, you’re my everything. The woman who stole my heart not once, but twice. The woman who I owe my life to. So, sweetheart, I promise to cherish every moment we share. To be your best friend, your lover, your husband, and the father our children deserve. I will support you in any way you need, because I love you more than life itself. I promise to hold you up when things get too heavy, and to lean on you when I need to. No more hiding and pretending I have it all together when I don’t. I may not remember much of our past, but I want to build a future with you.”

Charli took the tissue Finn offered and wiped under her eyes before she sniffed. “Hormones.”

The crowd chuckled.

“I didn’t really prepare anything since this was all a surprise.” She laughed, her body warm and content with joy. “I love you too, Finn. I promise to be by your side as we enter this new phase of our lives. I promise to try to be patient with you. To love and honor you with my actions. To support you. I promise to do my best to make you feel like the most loved man in the world. And I will do my best to communicate better with you.”

Finn’s eyes were red and watery. He sniffed and cleared his throat before pulling her into a mind-bending kiss that melted her from the top of her head to the tips of her toes.

“Hey, I’m supposed to say ‘now you can kiss the bride.’” Bently huffed.

Finn pulled away. “Couldn’t wait. Forever starts right now, baby.”

Charli smiled as the music started again. Only this time, Lincoln spoke into a microphone. “You’d better appreciate this, Finnegan.”

Charli spun around as their friend sang the opening lyrics of the song “Hard Stuff” by Justin Timberlake. Finn laughed and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a slow dance.

Charli’s gaze snagged on Emma’s as she watched unsurprised as her stepbrother crooned with a deep, sexy voice Charli hadn’t known the man possessed.

Finn tucked Charli in closer, bringing her attention back to him.

“Thank you for this, Finn.”

“I’m just relieved you said yes.”

“You thought I wouldn’t?”

He shrugged, his hand dropping to her lower back. “I hoped. But I was nervous as fuck.”

She drew his mouth to hers, infusing her kiss with every bit of love and adoration she held for her man. “You are truly the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I love you with everything in me.”

“I got a little lost on the way, but I finally found my way back to you.” He pressed his hand against her rib cage, where the inked promise rested beneath the fabric.

“Promise you won’t leave me again.” Her voice wavered, knowing she was asking the impossible.

“Never again.”

Relief flit through her.

After their dance, Remy revealed a cake she’d made for the occasion. Finn brought out her favorite tubs of ice cream. Everyone enjoyed a hot chocolate bar and appetizers.

The celebration was filled with laughter and love with all their friends and family. As the evening wore on, Charli’s belly grumbled. There was only so much cake and finger foods to keep her appetite at bay.

“Charli?” Bently ran up to her, his face splitting into a smile as he waved his phone.

Finn stepped beside her. “What is it?”

“They got him,” Bently said.

“Got who?”

“Apparently, someone sent in an anonymous tip with video footage of your attack to the FBI. They got the guy’s face and everything. He was picked up just moments ago in Boston.”