“You don’t look so bad yourself, Major.”

“Is it too much?” He smirked.

“That depends. What exactly is this? It looks like a—”

His smile deepened as he got down on his knee, holding her hand. “Thirteen years ago, I promised to love and protect you till death do us part. I don’t remember it. And you’ve been the best partner a man could ask for. But I’d like to take the next step, to show you just how much I love you. How much I believe in us, and how committed I am to you. Charlotte Amy Reed, will you do me the honor of marrying me—again? Will you renew our vows?”

Tears blurred Charli’s vision. Her heart swelled, the well of love and joy overflowing, saturating every cell with warm, golden bliss. “Yes, Finn. I’ll marry you again.”

He stood, wrapping her in a hug before kissing her on the lips, his tongue sweeping into hers, savoring her. He pulled away, his hands on either side of her cheeks, a grin splitting his face. “She said yes!” he hollered.

She giggled, his excitement matching her own.

Cheers and applause rang out from behind them. Charli turned around as their friends and family filed in from the back room.

“Everyone is here?” Charli clasped a hand over her heart.

Damon stepped forward. “Wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

She stepped down and hugged her brother. “It’s so good to see you.”

“You too.”

“Are we ready to begin?” Bently asked, slipping past her to stand by Finn.

Charli had never been more ready in her life. Happiness rose like a bubble of sunshine in her belly, popping and saturating every cell with full-on, utter bliss until she glowed from the inside out. The room blurred through her tears of elation. Floating on clouds of gratitude and awe, she wished everyone could feel one-tenth as happy as she did. This was what she’d wanted more than anything—for Finn to return to her. For them to get their happily ever after. It seemed some wishes came true, after all.



Emma handed Charli a bouquet of white roses and boxwood greenery. “Go back there. We want the full effect.”

Zeke slipped his arm through hers. “I’d be happy to walk you down the aisle.”

Her eyes swept over the dark blue suit he wore for the occasion. “If I wasn’t already crying, I’d start all over again.” She leaned her head against her father-in-law’s shoulder.

“That’s why we used waterproof makeup!” Mia teased.

“Okay, places, everyone.” Emma clapped.

Finn stood on the stage with Bently under a canopy of twinkling lights. Their friends and family took their seats on both sides of the aisle. Soft music filtered in through the sound system. The beginning notes of “Falling Like the Stars” by James Arthur wrapped around her like a warm hug of incandescent happiness.

Zeke led her slowly down the pathway as affectionate gazes followed her movements. She smiled and nodded to everyone, but her attention was dragged back to the man at the opposite end, waiting for her. Her heart cinched and tugged her towards her husband, her forever.

Zeke leaned down and kissed her cheek. “You are the most beautiful bride and the best daughter a man like me could ever ask for.”

She wrapped him in a hug and squeezed tight. “I love you, Dad.”

When she pulled away, he was blinking away the emotion in his eyes and clearing his throat. “Love you too,” he replied before taking a seat next to Claire.

Finn held out his hand, helping her up the step to the stage. They faced each other with Bently to their side.

Bently cleared his throat. “Friends, family, we’re gathered here today to celebrate with our good friends, Charli and Finn, as they renew the vows they took more than a decade ago.”

Charli couldn’t help but laugh. Who would have thought that the boy she met in high school would be officiating her second wedding to the very man Bently had introduced her to?

“Now, we know these two haven’t had an easy go of things. Those of us who are married know that happily ever after takes work. It takes the willingness to make your partner’s needs as a priority. It takes communication, trust, and intention. Above all, it takes a willingness to do the hard work, to face your own issues, and deal with them so they won’t hold you back.” Bently lifted a hand to Finn. “It’s a wonder you’ve made it this long, Finn.”