She laughed. “Then you usually ask me to dance to ‘The Christmas Song’ by Nat King Cole. And . . . one thing usually leads to another.”

“That sounds better than the Norman Rockwell version.” He chuckled.

She sipped her cocoa, the blush spreading from her cheeks to her elegant neck.

“I happened to bring you some things.”

“You did?”

He nodded, holding his hand out to her. She took it and followed him into the living room. After setting her drink on the coffee table, she took a seat on the couch. Finn walked over to the fireplace and flicked the switch to turn the gas flames on. Pulling out his phone, he opened the music streaming app, choosing a holiday music channel. He offered her a smile and grabbed the bag beside the tree.

“There’s a few with your name on them under there too.” Charli pointed.

Finn grabbed the small stack in his other hand and set them all on the coffee table. “Can you believe next year we’ll be doing this with baby Jamison?”

“Or baby Elijah,” she teased. “You open yours first.”

The anticipation of seeing her face when she opened what he’d gotten her was killing him. But if she wanted him to go first, he would. He grabbed the top gift, ripping the paper. “A beard kit.”

“I noticed you were starting to grow yours out. There is a bunch of different samples so you can decide which you like best.” She sipped her cocoa.

“Thank you. Do you like the beard? Or should I go back to shaving?” He ran his hand over the short growth.

She swallowed, her delicate throat bobbing with the action, drawing his attention to the place he wanted to kiss and taste for himself to see if she was as sweet as he remembered.

“I like you either way, but I think I like the beard more—at least for the winter.” She offered him a mischievous smile.

“Then it stays.”

Finn tore open the next gift. “A Kindle?”

She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and nodded. “For when you can’t sleep.”

Emotion welled up in his chest at the thoughtful present. “Thank you.”

She handed him the next one. He opened the rest of the gifts. She’d gotten him new socks, a nice dress shirt, and a six-pack of a holiday special edition IPA from Sand Dune Brewery. He returned to the kitchen to take the cinnamon rolls out, spreading out the icing his mother had sent and leaving them to cool on the counter.

When it was time for her to open presents, Finn shifted in his seat. Charli unwrapped them one by one: a Taser that hung from a key chain, scented herbal Epsom salts for her bath, and the baby carrier that Remy and Mia had sworn was an absolute necessity. All he knew was it sounded like a drink.

“Thank you so much. These are so thoughtful.”

“There’s one more.” He motioned to the corner of the table.

She picked up the elongated, blue velvet box wrapped in a gold bow. Running her fingers over the shimmery trident logo of Poseidon’s Treasure, her eyes flicked to his before focusing back onto the task at hand. She pulled one side of the ribbon, letting it fall into her lap. As she opened the lid, she gasped. One hand covered her heart while her eyes grew glassy.

“May I?” Finn asked.

She nodded, handing him the box. He slipped the silver necklace out and held it up to her. She turned, her hand going to the base of her neck to hold the few strands of hair that escaped her bun. Finn clasped it but she didn’t turn around. He leaned his cheek against hers, as her fingers traced over the shining diamond-encrusted North Star.

“You’re my guiding light, Charli-baby. And this is a reminder that I’ll always come back to you. Because without you, I’m lost.”

Her warm tears slipped down, soaking his own face. A tiny sob escaped her lips. He held on tighter, wrapping his arms around her with both love and protectiveness. She was his everything. And he’d show her every day for the rest of his life.

“Thank you.” Her voice was no more than a whisper.

He kissed her cheek. “Anything for you.”

* * *