“Good night,” he said before his heavy footsteps moved down the stairs and faded.

She sighed as she moved through the house. Her belly rumbled for food even though it hadn’t been that long since she’d eaten. Her bones ached for a hot shower or even better, a bath. And her heart tugged with longing for the man disappearing out of her driveway and down the road. At least two of the three could be mended tonight.



Christmas had always been Finn’s favorite holiday. And even though he couldn’t remember spending any with Charli, it still felt wrong to wake up in his old room at his parents’ house. Does Charli feel this missing piece inside her too?

He warmed his hands over the heater in the car, which had just started to get hot after the short ride to his home from his parents’. He hadn’t bothered to wait. Getting to Charli was his priority. They may not be living together at the moment, but they were still married. She deserved a proper Christmas breakfast followed by the gifts he’d gotten her.

After pulling the gloves back on, he grabbed the bag of presents and food before exiting the car. His feet crunched on the bits of ice and salt scattered throughout the pathway. He’d come last night to make sure everything had been taken care of in case she needed to leave for any reason.

Nerves skittered up his spine the closer he got to the door. Will she already be up?

He knocked first and waited. A few moments later, the curtain on the side of the house swished, drawing his attention to the window before the lock clicked open. Good girl for checking.

Charli’s sleepy gaze caught on him. Her dark hair was piled in a messy bun on the top of her head, her cheeks pink, eyes bright. She was stunning in her red plaid sleep pants and a T-shirt he recognized as his own, growing increasingly tighter around her midsection.

“Merry Christmas, hot mama.”

The pink on her cheeks darkened to a scarlet red. “It’s too early for your charms.”

He chuckled, leaning in to kiss her cheek before walking past her. She shut the door, clicking the bolt into place once again as he removed his coat and boots. “I brought breakfast.” He lifted the bag, heading to the kitchen.

“Smells good. Tell me those are Mama Claire’s cinnamon rolls.”

“One and the same.” He lifted the casserole dish out of the bag and slipped them into the oven before turning it on. “They just need to warm up.”

“I could kiss you.” She looked longingly towards the stove.

He laughed. “I won’t stop you.”

Her gaze flicked to him, uncertainty tainting the desire.

Finn pulled out the can of whipped cream and thermos with fresh hot cocoa. “Why don’t you get us a couple mugs?”

She went to the cupboard, while he set the bag of gifts in the living room under the small tree he’d helped her put up earlier that week.

Banging came from the kitchen, prompting Finn to investigate what had earned his wife’s wrath. Charli lifted the rolling pin and brought it down on the plastic bag, eviscerating what was left of the peppermint candy.

“Not a fan of candy canes?”

She rolled her eyes playfully before opening the bag and sprinkling the crushed treat over the whipped-cream-topped mugs of hot cocoa.

“You love these. We drink them every Christmas.” Charli pushed the drink towards him.

He picked it up, giving it a cursory sniff. Peppermint, chocolate, and fresh cream. He sipped, licking the remnants off his upper lip. “Mmm. That is good.”

She laughed, reaching her finger out to swipe some of the whipped cream he’d obviously missed off his nose before sucking her finger clean.

Fuck that was hot. His cock twitched in his jeans. Down, boy. His wife was driving him mad simply by being her adorable self. She had no idea the effect she had on him, did she?

“What else do we do on Christmas together?”

She smiled, her skin crinkling at the edge of her eyes. “Actually, I’m the one who usually makes breakfast while you get the coffee ready. You put on holiday music and get the fire going. We eat, and then we exchange gifts before we . . .” She trailed off, clearing her throat.

“Keep going. Sounds like you were getting to the fun part.” Though all of it sounded perfect.