He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it, almost as if he could sense another kiss would be too much for her. “Let’s get you home.” He stood, gathering what was left to put away before helping Charli to her feet. Finn tucked the blanket into his backpack and zipped it up.

Carefully, they descended the stairs with him leading the way out to the Jeep.

Once they’d started towards their destination, Finn turned down the radio and asked, “After the baby is born, do you want to stay home with him for a while? Or do you want to go back to work?”

Charli blew out a breath. “Ideally, I’d like to stay home for the first six months or so. Then maybe start back with short shifts only once or twice a week. I told your parents I’d be happy to help with payroll and ordering after the first couple months.”

He nodded as if taking it in.

“What would you want?”

“Honestly, I just want you to be happy. I’d definitely prefer you to be home the first year, since I read there is a lot of development that happens during that time. But maybe we could schedule opposite shifts when you go in, so that I can be home with him.”

“You read about it?”

He shrugged. “Went to that bookstore in town and Pippa helped me find some good books to start. Makes me feel better with more knowledge about the subject.”

She smiled, pride welling in her chest. “You are something else, Finnegan Reed.”

He gave a nervous laugh. “Is that a good or bad thing?”

“It’s very good,” she assured him.

“Any more ideas on a name?” he asked.

“Mmmm, I like Elijah.”

“Hmm, not bad. I still like Jamison. But I might be willing to settle for Aiden.”

“Oh, I like that one.”

“It means born of fire or fiery,” Finn said, turning into their driveway.

“Wow, you’ve really done your research.”

Smiling, he said, “I still vote for Jamison.”

He turned the engine off and walked around to her side of the car. The Jeep was much higher than their little Toyota, so she was thankful for the extra hand for balance. This growing belly threw everything out of whack. He followed her to the door before sliding in the keys to open it for her. The warmth of the house immediately warded off the chill from the short distance from the vehicle. She hung up the coat as he bent to help her with her snow boots.

The thoughtful action stirred a landslide of emotions in her chest. She needed him. Craved him. Loved him. She wanted to throw caution to the wind and take him upstairs to bed where they could make love and drift off to sleep with intertwined limbs and tangled souls. But it was too soon. She needed to see real change, or they would end up right back where they started.

As if he read her mind, Finn said, “It would make me feel better being here with you so you aren’t alone. But I will also respect your wish for space while I earn your trust back. When you’re ready for me to come back, I’ll be here. Even if I have to stay on the couch.”

“I appreciate that. But you’re right—I’m not ready.”

A flash of disappointment flit through his gaze as he nodded. “Set the alarm behind me.” He held her face in the palm of his hands and kissed her forehead. “Love you.”

“I love you too.”

He turned and walked out the door with a click. She leaned her head against the wood, the silence in his wake deafening.

“Charli?” Finn’s muffled voice asked through the door.


“Set the alarm.”

She did as he’d instructed. “All set.”