Charli accepted the paper and skimmed it over.
1. What is one thing you really enjoyed this week (your high)?
2. What was really challenging for you this week (your low)?
3. What can I do for you to make your life a little easier next week?
4. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate our sexual intimacy this week?
• What can we do to make it better next week?
5. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate our emotional connection this week?
• What can we do to make it better next week?
6. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate our intellectual connection this week?
• What can we do to make it better next week?
7. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate our friendship and ability to have fun and enjoy each other’s company this week?
• What can we do to make it better next week?
Rebecca cleared her throat. “This is where the consistency piece comes into play. After you’ve verbalized these needs, you both have an opportunity to follow through with improving these areas even though it may push you out of your comfort zone. By doing this consistently, even if you fall short sometimes, you’ll prove to each other you are trustworthy and safe.”
“What if she gets mad at something I rate lower?” Finn asked.
“The important thing is to prepare your mindset coming to the table when talking about these things. Criticism is never easy. But if you both keep in mind that this is for the good of both of you as a team, it will get easier. If someone is getting upset, take a break and come back to it. These types of hard conversations work best when you’re both calm and open-minded enough to listen to each other with empathy.”
“Okay.” Finn turned to Charli. “Would you be willing to do this with me every week?”
The flash of vulnerability in Finn’s eyes made her chest squeeze. The thought of discussing all of this with Finn every week was a little overwhelming and scary. Did she want to see how she was measuring up? Regardless, the promise of being able to measure his consistency of being honest and following through was tempting. “Of course,” she agreed.
Relief painted his expression as his shoulders lowered with a sigh.
“Well, that’s our time for today. I’ll see you Wednesday for our next session, Finn. And, Charli, it was nice meeting you. I hope to see you again. My door is always open to you.” Rebecca stood.
They exchanged goodbyes before they walked out to the car in silence. Finn shut his door and turned the ignition on. The lights reflected off the glass. The sun was already fading beyond the mountains in the west. Winter’s early darkness was ready to swallow them up if the quiet tension in the car didn’t first.
He turned to her, his gaze full of swirling emotions. “Can I show you something?”
He slipped the car into reverse. The buildings passed as a light snow drifted from the cloudy grey sky. The closer they got to Shattered Cove, the further her thoughts drifted. Am I making the right choice for me and the baby? What if I trust him again and he breaks my heart by lying to me? What would it take for Finn to heal and for us to be happy? What if it doesn’t work and we end up resenting each other? We might make things worse. At least we can still be civil at the moment. But what if we hurt each other again and ruin everything?
Could he really heal and get better? Or were they doomed to repeat past mistakes?
The sound of the waves crashing against the shore was otherworldly in the darkness. Finn shouldered a backpack and grasped her hand in his, enveloping her in warmth and safety as he guided her towards the lone lighthouse covered in holiday lights. The salty sea air whipped, sending a gust of snow flurries into her face.
Finn slotted a key in the door before opening it for her. She followed him inside with blind faith. No matter their issues, Finn would always keep her safe. “What are we doing here?” she asked in a whisper.
He flicked on a light, illuminating a stone stairwell to their right. “I wanted to show you something.”
He tugged her hand and guided her up what seemed like endless stairs. Her thighs burned by the time they reached the top. The glassed-in room was empty except for the large rotating light in the middle, shining out to sea.