Claire took a deep breath. “In pain. But also, determined . . . He’s been out late the last couple nights.”

Charli’s heart lurched. Was he with Laura?

“That casserole should be warm by now.” Claire got to her feet.

Charli stared at the half-empty mug in front of her. If Finn wanted a life with someone else, she’d get over it . . . eventually. Because she loved him and wanted him to be happy, even if that couldn’t be with her. As long as it was anyone but Laura.

Claire returned, setting a plate in front of her of steaming vegetables and meat in a savory mix.

Charli’s stomach grumbled in hunger. “You didn’t have to do this.”

Claire tsked. “You’re growing my grandson. I remember how tiring pregnancy was. Let me spoil my daughter.”

“Where’s yours?”

“Oh, I’m gonna get going. Told Zeke we could check out Atlas’s new restaurant, Atlantis, for dinner.”

“That sounds fun.” Charli forced a smile even though the thought of another dinner alone made her stomach sink.

“Do we need to do anything about the alarm?” Claire asked.

“I shut it off. You’re good to go.”

“Okay, well, make sure to turn it back on when I leave.” Claire gave her a concerned look.

“I will, right after I finish this dinner that’s calling my name,” Charli promised.

“Take it easy. It’s supposed to snow later this week.”

“I will. Have a great night.” Charli waved as Claire left, the click of the door the only sound in the quiet house.

Charli tucked into the food. At least there was one ache she could quench.

Charli wrapped a coat around her, but there was no hope buttoning it over her growing bump. She held it together as she walked out to the mailbox, collecting the junk mail and bills. A black SUV was parked on the opposite side of the street, diagonal from hers, with someone visible in the driver’s seat.

Was it there this morning when I brought out the garbage?

She’d never seen it before. Maybe one of her neighbors had company. But that didn’t explain the sour feeling in her belly. She stared at the SUV, jumping when the engine started abruptly. Charli scurried to the house, panic rushing over her. Suddenly living here alone seemed like the worst idea. At least inside she’d be safe.

She yanked the door open as the engine revved, sounding closer. She spun around in time to see a man wearing a pair of sunglasses and hat staring in her direction as he drove by in the SUV.

Charli let out a sigh when he was out of sight and shook her head. “I’m just paranoid.”

The sound of another car pulled her attention back to the driveway as an unfamiliar Jeep drove in. Finn got out of the driver’s side. God, he looked good. She tucked her hair behind her ear. It was too late to run inside and make sure she didn’t look as shitty as she felt. Would he see the bags under her eyes and run the other way? No, this man had seen her at her worst and only held her closer once upon a time. Before the accident.

Finn slipped his hands into his leather jacket pockets and approached her hesitantly. “Is it okay that I’m here?”

She nodded, afraid of her own voice. Is he here to tell me he wants a divorce? That he’s with Laura?

“Can we talk?”

Charli pulled the sides of her coat together to ward off the chill of the winter air, though it was fruitless. His eyes dropped to her belly.

“Yeah, let’s go inside.”

He followed her silently as she entered the house, dropping the junk mail in the recycling as he set the alarm behind them.

Always the protector.