Belle chuckled too. Maybe this was a good idea after all.

“Okay, I hope you all like whiskey,” Amy said, balancing the glasses on a tray. She handed out one to each woman.

“At this rate, I’m gonna be puking before the end of the night,” Tina complained.

“Too bad we can’t bring the banana bags home for personal use,” Katy joked.

“Don’t all look at once, but guess who I saw at the bar?” Amy squealed.

“Who?” Tawny yelled as every one of them turned their heads towards the last man Belle wanted to see.

Cerulean-blue eyes, alert and narrow, he scanned the room—a contrast to his jet-black hair that was slicked to the side. Dark stubble peppered across his strong jaw. The man was GQ model-worthy. He looked as if he should be on a billboard selling rare artisan whiskey rather than walking among mere mortals. The almost permanent smirk on his face told her he knew what kind of power he held and how to wield it for his benefit. She swallowed, her eyes traveling to where the T-shirt stretched against his wide muscular chest. His toned arms were not bulky, but defined. The kind that you had to work out regularly for. He obviously cared about how he looked. He’s probably shallow and vain.

“The sheriff?” Belle confirmed.

Katy turned back to her long enough to answer. “He’s, like, only the hottest playboy in the entire seacoast.”

“Many women have tried to tame him, but none have succeeded,” Tawny added like she was speaking of a mythical creature.

Belle shook her head. So, the man in uniform was a player. That was no surprise.

“It was like a rite of passage in high school to sleep with Bently Evans around here,” Tina said, dreamily.

“No one’s worried about the diseases he could be spreading?” Belle asked bitterly before she drank the liquid that burned her throat.

All five women turned to look at her as if she’d just said the pope was dead.

“He’s got a reputation, that’s for sure. But, honey, I can tell you from experience that he’s worth the heartbreak. That man has magic fingers, a mouth that should be considered illegal, and a heart of gold.” Tawny eyed her.

“Not to mention, rumor has it that he has a ladies-first policy,” Amy added. “And he gets regular checkups. Because of HIPPA, I can’t tell you anything, but let me just say, I’d do him.”

“Sounds like the perfect guy.” Perfection isn’t real.

Her skin tingled, prickling with awareness. She glanced up and Bently’s ice-blue eyes locked with hers. He smirked and her pulse quickened. She may have been angry at the male species, with good reason, but she was still a woman. Her body reacted to his six-foot-something frame, with his white shirt stretched taut against those bulky muscles. The man was pure lust, and she wanted none of it. He was just like all the rest, looking for another notch on his bedpost. Hell would freeze over before she became one.

Belle focused on her drink, draining it quickly.

The woman tending the bar approached them and switched out their drinks with a round of Sex on The Beach. “From an admirer.”

“Come on, Charli, put us out of our misery and tell us it was from Prince Charming,” Amy begged.

Charli rolled her eyes. “From the flirt himself.”

“Seems like someone’s piqued his fancy.” Katy eyed Belle suspiciously as Charli walked away.

Belle didn’t give him the satisfaction of looking up for the rest of the night. Katy’s round was next, and she chose something fruity and potent. They all laughed together about antics from work.

“That’s nothing. Once I had a patient come in because she didn’t think she had to remove a tampon before putting another one in.” Katy shook her head.

“Where did she think they would go?” Tina asked.

“She thought they just dissolved!” Katy laughed.

Belle cringed.

“Bently keeps staring over here,” Tawny said.

“Maybe he wants round two after all with you,” Belle suggested.