“On your attack? No. Cameras caught the dark figure with the bat. Mason didn’t see anything identifiable when he rushed over. But he said the assailant was definitely a teenager or smaller-built man.”

“He should have chased the fucker down,” Bently grumbled.

Vargas tipped her head to the side. “He was more worried about you. There was a lot of blood and you were unconscious. Mason did the right thing.”

“Who would be targeting me, and why?”

“That’s what I want to know.” She studied him.

“As sheriff, I’m bound to piss someone off. It’s part of the job description. But I really have no idea who would want me dead.”

“You think this is related to your truck windshield?” she asked.

“Could be.”

“Watch your six, Evans.” Vargas stood.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Oh, we got DNA evidence back from Charli’s evaluation. Perp is unknown, but it’s not the first time someone has reported this guy. I got six matches from the whole East Coast.”

Bently shook his head and clenched his fists. “Any hits on the sketch?”

“Not yet.”

“Keep me updated,” he said.

“Will do.”

Bently got to work on the mountain of paperwork Vargas had left for him to check over. He glanced at the clock. It was going to be a long day.

Chapter 25


A bouquet of deep red roses was nestled in the corner of Belle’s front door. She set down the bags of groceries and reached out to inspect it closer. No one had ever gotten her flowers before. Who would . . .


Butterflies tumbled in her belly. A flash of yellow caught her eye on the front of the gray ceramic vase. She peeled the note paper off to inspect the masculine writing.

Meet me at Green Park at noon. -B

She smiled and inhaled the fresh floral scent of the bouquet. This felt an awful lot like dating. Was it? Or was that wishful thinking? Bently would say so if he was ready for more, wouldn’t he? Maybe this was just his way of saying “thank you” for her help.


Two hours later, she parked her car in the lot next to the sign for Green Park. Only a few parents played with their tots around the sandbox and play structure on this Wednesday afternoon. She got out and zipped up her coat against the slight chill in the air. She turned her face to the blue sky, and the sunrays warmed her. She took a deep breath. Clean, crisp air filled her lungs.

“Don’t you know it’s illegal to look that good?” Bently said from behind her. She turned as his molten eyes locked with hers. “I should give you a ticket, because you’ve got FINE written all over you.”

Her heart rate sped up and fireflies tumbled haphazardly in her belly. She laughed. “Come on, Bently. I know you’ve got better lines than that.”

He smirked, eyes flashing with amusement. Bently stepped closer, reaching out to tuck a stray curl behind her ear. Her chest hitched from his gentle touch as he brought his face closer to hers.

“I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

God damn. She swallowed. A mix of emotions warred inside her. Was he serious? Was this more? She couldn’t be sure. “Th—that one was better.”