“Belle! My bike—” TJ protested.

“Get inside!” His sister shot him a look and TJ shut his mouth and complied.

It needs the tires fixed anyways. I can do that.

The woman shoved her brother in the house and whirled around. Her powerful gaze met his before she slammed the door shut.

Damn, she was something.


A few hours later, Bently pulled the bike from his truck bed, admiring his handiwork. This fresh set of tires and the tune-up he’d performed would be the perfect icebreaker. It wasn’t unusual for him to go above and beyond the call of duty for his fellow townsfolk. But none of them had a sister who was hotter than sin and feisty as fuck either. Does this count as breaking my no-hooking-up-with-locals rule?

Nah. This was just good old-fashioned flirting and helping a fellow community member out. It wasn’t like he would follow through.

Bently knocked on the door, noting the older model Ford Focus in the driveway that had seen better days. Red flowers bloomed at the base of the porch, a discarded pile of pulled weeds off to the side. Several potted plants were spaced around the small area and a few baskets hung from the rafter hooks. He swiped the sweat from his brow and drew in a deep breath. Nerves scattered through him as he shifted his feet. Since when was he this off-kilter over a woman?

The energy shifted as the knob twisted. His heart beat faster as he swallowed.

The door opened and Belle’s smile quickly morphed into a frown.

“What do you want?” Belle said, her chin rising.

“Good evening.” He smiled and waited a beat. Her scowl only deepened. Have I lost the touch? Did cancer steal this from me too? He cleared his throat. “Uh, I just wanted to return TJ’s bike.”

She looked at the metal object as he set it on the porch. “Okay.”

“Is he home?”

“He’s doing homework,” she answered with a hint of suspicion in her voice.

“I’ll only be a second. If you don’t mind, can I come in and ask him about who gave him that shiner one more time?” Maybe she’ll see I’m just trying to help.

“Do you have a warrant?”

“E-excuse me?” he asked, baffled. He was used to not being everyone’s favorite person as an officer of the law, but this was something more.

“Unless you have a warrant, you cannot come into my house or search my property. I know how you people work.”

What the fuck?

“You leave my brother alone. He’s smart and he’s going places. He’s a good boy. We don’t want any trouble, officer.” Belle’s voice was steady, but her trembling hand gave it away. He glanced at her dainty fingers shaking at her side.

Belle balled them into fists before he considered her face, the fear in her eyes. She’s scared of me.

“I never intended to cause trouble. Just wanted to make sure he got home safe. Have a good evening, ma’am.” He turned and walked back to his truck, utterly speechless.

Defeated, he started the engine and shifted into gear. He needed a good strong drink. A woman’s company wouldn’t hurt either. Visions of sucking on those red lips and fisting those dark curls made his cock jerk. He gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white.

Too bad it would only be a fantasy and his hand tonight.

Chapter 2


Belle pushed the door open to the locker room and strode past the row of metal closets, then sat on the lone bench in the center of the room. She rubbed her hands over her tired face. It had been another long shift that made her body ache. But this was what she’d worked so long and so hard for since she was eighteen. An education and a job to take care of her and her little brother, so they never had to end up on the streets again.

“Long shift?” Katy asked, hanging her lanyard in her locker before shutting the metal door with a screech.