Lyra’s head lowered as she crossed her arms behind her back. “I’m sorry, Mama.”

“Go get your coloring book and set yourself up at one of the tables, and I’ll bring you a hot chocolate and cookie, okay?”

Lyra’s eyes brightened as she ran off.

“I’m sorry about that. My mom usually watches them while my husband and I work, but she’s sick and my brother-in-law won’t be here for another thirty minutes. I’m Remy, by the way. What can I get you?”

Belle smiled. “It’s no problem at all. I understand what it is to have to juggle little ones and life.”

Remy grinned and adjusted the baby into a carrier on her back. The little boy protested, kicking out his chubby little legs and crying.

Remy blew out a frustrated breath as Lyra came back, coloring book and markers in hand. “Can I have a chocolate-chip mermaid cookie, Mama?”

“Yes, sweetheart.” Remy grabbed a small cup and poured hot water inside. “I’m sorry. Just give me one minute to get her settled and I’ll be right with you.”

“It’s really no problem at all. I’m in no rush.”

Remy hurriedly mixed the hot chocolate, dolloping whipped cream and a dash of cinnamon on top as she jiggled up and down, trying to ease the crying baby on her back. Brushing a few stray braids from her face, she blew out an exasperated sigh and came over to the counter, smiling at Belle. “What can I get you?”

“A latte with two of those—”

The baby’s cries grew more insistent as the bells jingled above the door and a group of four people walked in.

Remy glanced at the clock while she pulled the baby off her back before tucking him into her front. “I’m so sorry. It’s his nap time and he only likes to be held a certain way when he’s this overtired.”

Belle reached out her hand. “Stop apologizing. There is no need. Your baby’s needs come first. I get it. If I was capable of jumping in behind the counter and taking over, I’d help out until your brother-in-law gets here. But my skills are in taking care of people. Would you feel comfortable with me entertaining these two while you deal with your other customers? I can sit right there where you can see us.” Belle pointed to where Lyra was happily munching on cookies.

Remy looked between her and Lyra, her forehead wrinkled in the dilemma.

“Here’s my badge from the hospital. I’m Belle Jones—a nurse in the emergency room. If you want to hang on to this, I totally get it.” Belle held up her hospital ID.

Remy narrowed her eyes on the plastic and then back to Belle, the lines on her forehead disappearing. She smiled. “I don’t need to keep it, but I’ll take you up on your offer.”

Remy walked around the counter and pulled the fussy baby from her front. Belle tucked him against her chest and started to bounce from side to side.

“He’s eaten and been changed. He’s teething and missed his morning nap. Yes, just like that.”

“I got him. You go do your thing,” Belle assured her.

“Thank you,” Remy said before dashing back to the counter to take care of the growing group of customers.

Belle hugged the baby boy close as she hummed and moved closer to Lyra’s table, swaying back and forth. He quieted, clutching a strand of her hair in his tiny fist. She smiled. It had been a long time since TJ was this little, and she was not much older than Lyra when she’d taken care of him by herself. Something about holding a sleeping baby made everything calm and peaceful inside her.

“Is he asleep?” Lyra asked, whispering.

Belle lifted her head and sure enough, his eyes were closed, his tiny fist partially inside his mouth. Drool slid down his hand, no doubt spilling onto her jacket.

“I think so,” Belle said, sitting across from the little girl. “What are you coloring?”

“Tiana from The Princess and the Frog.”

“Oh, she’s very pretty,” Belle said.

“She’s the only princess with skin like me. Well, except for Moana and Pocahontas. They’re light brown too.”

Belle nodded. The little girl had already noticed the vast underrepresentation of people of color in the media. Why was it so hard for most adults to see? What child didn’t want to see someone who looked like them saving the day and finding their happily-ever-after?

“What about Doc McStuffins? Have you ever seen that show?” Belle asked.