
The windshield wipers were on as fast as they could go and it was still hard to see the road in front of Belle. Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed.

She parked at the library. TJ was under the eaves with another boy around his age. They seemed to be in deep conversation. TJ hung his head low as he fidgeted with his backpack strap—something he did when he was nervous.

She honked the horn twice and both boys’ heads jerked towards her. TJ’s friend smiled and waved. Something about him felt off.

“This is some storm,” TJ said sliding into the passenger seat.

“That your friend from school?”

TJ swallowed and looked out the window. “He’s in my science class.”

“What do you want for dinner tonight?”

“Chinese?” he suggested.

“But it’s your night to cook,” she pointed out.

“Please?” He smiled and flashed his puppy-dog eyes at her.

She chuckled. “Alright.”

After a few moments of silence, TJ asked, “You ever goin’ to date?”

A triangle formed between her brows. “What kind of question is that?”

“Well, I’m gonna be going to college and then medical school, and you’ll be here all alone. Wouldn’t you like some company? You know, someone to watch your back?” TJ asked, almost too innocently, but there was a tinge of fear in his voice.

She shook her head. “I appreciate your sudden interest in my love life, but I’ll be fine on my own.”

“The sheriff seemed like a nice guy.”

Belle turned her head and glanced suspiciously at her brother. “You met him once. And he’s a cop.”

“I know. Just seemed like maybe he was into you.”

“More like he wants to be into me.” She laughed.

TJ grimaced. “TMI, sis.” He shook his head. “I don’t know, just appeared you two had some . . . chemistry.”

More like the whole damn lab exploded. “You got all that from a few minutes of me finding you outside the house getting out of a police car? Me yelling at you to get your ass inside. You scared the shit out of me, TJ. And besides, that was two months ago.” Her voice rose.

“He was just giving me a ride home because my tires were flat.”

She gave him the side-eye.

TJ shrugged and popped his earbud in.

She turned down another street. “What the—”

An object lay on the side of the road. The rain was pouring too hard for her to make it out clearly. She squinted as they drove closer, the figure coming into view. Belle screeched to a stop and gasped. “It’s a person.”

She opened her door and dashed into the freezing rain. It soaked through her jacket in seconds. Belle checked the woman’s pulse. Her skin was hot to the touch despite the cold temperature outside.

“Help me get her in the car.”

TJ just sat there, staring at the woman.