A millisecond of time elapsed between identifying the threat and pulling the trigger. One shot.


Bently jumped in his seat.

Vargas eyed him warily. “You okay?”

“What did you find?” he asked, avoiding the question.

“We know Canoby was a low-level dealer and loan shark. What we don’t know is who he was working for. We’ve spoken to June Simpson, as you know. She mentioned a name that she’d heard once—Carelli.”

“Carelli, as in the mob boss?” Bently clarified.

Vargas nodded and popped her gum again. “The trail stops there.”

“The FBI are going to want in on this. This crosses state lines if he’s involved.”

She raised her hands as she sighed. “My other leads here have all but dried up.”

Bently nodded. “Thanks for giving me the update. Go ahead and call our friends at the Bureau.”

“Yes, sir.” Vargas got up and collected the file before leaving his office.

He glanced at the clock. Quitting time. Bently organized his desk before heading out. Betsy was already gone for the day. Officer Rife Owens was at his desk.

“How you doing, Owens?”

The officer sat up a little straighter. “Just fine, Sheriff.”

“You settling in here nicely? It’s been what, three months since you finished the academy?”

“Yes, sir.”

“You’re doing a good job so far.”

Owens smiled. “Thank you, sir.”

“I’m heading out for the day. I’ll have my phone on me if you need anything at all. Parsons will be in shortly.” Bently pulled his keys out of his pocket.

“Have a good evening, sir.”

“You too.”


Bently pulled his truck into the gravel parking lot in front of The Lighthouse Inn. Warm pride filled his chest as he took in the large house. Fresh white paint decorated the old building making it seem much younger than it was. His sister had finally made her dream come true.

He walked to the front door, not bothering to knock as he entered the foyer. A rich, savory smell wafted from deeper within the house. He continued along the dark gray-stained wood floors, past the cameras that he’d installed himself so that Jasmine would be alerted on her phone of movement. Couldn’t be too careful when it came to two of the most important women in his life.

“Bent, I’m in the kitchen!” Jasmine called out.

He passed through the lobby area into the large kitchen. Mikel and Andre had redone it for her too.

“This doesn’t even look like the same house old Mrs. Jenson lived in,” he mused.

Jasmine tucked a strand of her black hair behind her ear and handed the baby in her arms over to him as she answered, “No, it doesn’t. Still a lot of work to do though. Just need the money to do it.”

“You’ll get there.” He tilted his head to smell his sleeping niece’s forehead before he kissed her. “Zoey is getting so big.”