Bently ran inside and grabbed his keys and phone from the bowl by the door and shut the alarm off.

“Everything okay over there, Sheriff?” Nosy Nancy Plotts asked from across the street.

Why was this happening in his town, and now to his own property? Why would someone do that? He ran a hand through his hair. Plenty of people disliked the police—but in Shattered Cove, things were generally quiet. Well, until recently.

“Sheriff?” Nancy asked.

“Yes, ma’am. Nothing to worry about.”

After dialing Vargas, he called in the incident. He went back inside and got dressed properly before dialing his brother.

“What’s up?” Mikel answered.

“Can you pick me up before you head on over to the bar?”

“Sure, I can’t stay too long tonight though. It’s my turn to put the kids to bed.”

“No problem.”

“See you soon.”



He buttoned up his shirt and jogged down the stairs to open the door.

“Vargas,” he greeted her.

“Evans. Looks like you’ve had some trouble.”

He headed outside with her, careful to lock his front door. “I didn’t ask the neighbors if they saw anything, but by the time I made it out, there was no trace of the dickhead that did this.”

“I got Lincoln on his way to tow it to his garage. Said he’d have it fixed up quick for ya.” She walked towards his driveway shaking her head. “Any theories?”

“Probably some punk kid who thought he’d show off to his friends and smash the sheriff’s truck,” he said dryly.

“You sure you didn’t piss off any woman in class tonight? Marcy get tired of being shut down time and time again?” She smirked.

He shook his head. “I’ve been a choir boy. Besides, you know I don’t shit where I eat.” Until Belle, I’ve never been tempted.

She laughed. “You, Bently Evans, are many things, but a choir boy will never be one of them. You forget I’ve known you since junior high.”

“I’ve grown up a lot since then,” he argued.

“That’s true.” She eyed him up and down.

“How’s Millie?”

Vargas beamed. “Millie is successfully halfway through her pregnancy.”

“That’s awesome. You two will be great moms. Do you know what you’re having yet?”

“A human, hopefully,” she deadpanned.

He chuckled. “Guess I walked into that one.”

“We find out if it’s got a sausage or a taco at the appointment next week.”