TJ held up his hands. “I promise I won’t.”

She shook her head, unease building. TJ was seventeen, but he had so much on the line.

“Condoms in the drawer of the bathroom sink.”

“It’s not like that.”

“Mm-hmm. You got too much to lose to go and knock someone up in high school. You better use your head. And I mean this one.” She tapped his temple lightly.

TJ shifted uneasily on his feet as he looked down, as if embarrassed. But it was better to be upfront about these types of things. He was a young man with raging hormones and a huge crush on this girl.

“I’m gonna go upstairs. Have fun, guys.” TJ took the steps two at a time like he couldn’t get out of there fast enough.

Bently chuckled.

She turned around with her hands on her hips. “I don’t find anything about this funny.”

He shook his head. “You never cease to surprise me.”

“Are we going to this party or not?”

“I don’t know if I should let you out of the house looking that good.” He smirked. His voice deepened as he continued. “Lots of dangers out there in Gotham City.”

She chuckled. “Well, it’s a good thing I can take care of myself.” She tied the whip onto her belt.

Bently’s hands gripped her hips and pulled her against him. “And I’ve got your back.” His fingers trailed lower before squeezing a handful of her ass.

Electric lust shot through her. Heat blanketed her core and her breath hitched. His touch burned her in the best of ways, igniting a yearning within her. But was she ready for that? She swallowed and pressed against his chest.

He released her before opening the front door. “The Batmobile awaits.”

She chuckled as she slipped her jacket on. Following after him, she locked the house behind her. When they got to his truck, he opened her door and lifted her up. His hands glided over her thighs as she climbed the rest of the way in. She shivered. Something about tonight was different.

The way he touched her, and the emotions he stirred up inside her.

He climbed in the cab next to her, stealing all the air. She stifled a laugh at the ridiculousness of their costumes. But damn, he looked hot. Maybe it was because of the role play, or perhaps the cover of darkness, but her imagination was running rampant with all the bad things she wanted this man to do to her. Pure primal need overwhelmed her rational thought. It was easier to relax and enjoy this if she wasn’t Belle with her past, but someone else—in this case Wonder Woman.

He drove them into town, the low music the only sound in the truck. When they parked, he had her door open before she’d managed to unbuckle her seat belt. His strong arms stretched out to catch her. He set her onto her unstable feet. She slipped her jacket off and put it on his seat. It was sure to be warmer inside.

Bently nodded to the bouncer at the door before they entered. He placed his hand on the small of her back and a shiver ran through her as he guided her in. Music thumped. Bodies pulsed to the beat on the dance floor off to the left as the band performed on stage. The bar was packed. Bently ushered her through the crowd. Heads turned, women casting hungry gazes towards him. She didn’t blame them. The man was too good looking for his own good. Still, a slight burn of jealousy lit in her belly.

“Drink?” he yelled the question.

“Beer,” she yelled back.

He nodded and took her hand before he pushed over to the bar amidst the throng of people. Women reached out and grabbed his arms, trying to strike up conversation. Bently smiled politely and pulled Belle in front of him, pinning her against the bar. The women seemed to catch his message loud and clear. The action sent a burst of relief and pride through her like he was telling everyone he was with her. It calmed the anxious knots inside her.

She recognized Charli behind the bar, expertly making drinks faster than she’d ever seen anyone do. Bently ordered their beers and Charli glanced at her, faltering only for a moment before turning back to her task.

After they had their cold beverages in hand, Bently led them to a table in the corner where Remy, Mikel, Andre, and Mia sat. Jasmine was the only one missing from their small group.

The women’s faces lit up as Bently sat in the one and only empty seat. He pulled Belle onto his lap, his hands resting on her bare thighs. Tingles reverberated through her and heat spread from his touch. There was no doubt she was wet. There was nothing between her short skirt and his legs but a pair of red lace panties. She shifted, trying to pull the edge of the dress down farther, worried she would leave a wet spot on Bently’s costume. His hands shot out to halt her movements. His erection poked against her now throbbing core.

Oh fuck.

He leaned in and spoke in her ear, his voice gravelly and heady. “This costume doesn’t hide much. You keep moving against me like that and I might have to punish you.”

The logical part of her wanted to flee his touch and the hurricane of sexual yearnings he awakened within her. The woman in her wanted to grind down on him, see how much it took to send him over the edge.