“I thought you’d like it, to remember your mom.”

Mia startled and spun around.

Andre walked forward, his hands in his pockets. She wiped the tears from her eyes and caught her breath. Searching his face, she saw no trace of the disgust or anger she expected from him. Andre’s expression was tired, and unreadable otherwise.

“You did this?” she managed.

He nodded and stopped a foot in front of her. “I know a guy. When you decided to go with a window, and then I overheard you and Lyra talking about how she used to collect sea glass . . . I wanted to surprise you.”

“Thank you.”

A moment of silence followed as Mia studied him for any sign as to how to proceed. His expression morphed to pity and she backed up a step, dropping his gaze. That’s what this was. He just feels bad for the poor little girl who lost her parents.


She winced, her name so tender from his lips, like he still loved her. “Are you here to do the walk-through? I thought Mikel—”

“No.” He stepped closer.

“I’m sorry, Andre. I . . .”

“I’m sorry too.”

Her eyes snapped to his. “What do you have to apologize for? I deserved your reaction.”

He shook his head and reached out his hands to cup her face. She closed her eyes, fighting off a wave of fresh tears. Energy hummed between them, sparking to life with the touch of his hands. He was so gentle with her, as if she was the one made of glass.

“Mia? Look at me,” he pled.

She opened her eyes, her heart too afraid to hope, her knees weak and wobbling.

“I should have given you the chance to explain.” He swallowed. “After reading your letters, I understand why you kept so much inside.”

She blinked a tear away as he brushed it from her cheek with his thumb.

“I’m honored that you shared all of that with me.”

She nodded, not trusting her voice. A swirl of emotion twisted up inside her like a tornado. Fear. Love. Grief. Happiness. Guilt. Hope.

“I thought I knew what love was. I figured I got one shot at it and had wasted it on my ex.”

She winced.

He pulled her closer. “But I was so wrong. Because I fell into a love so deep it scared me. It snuck up on me slowly. I didn’t realize until I was consumed by it. So, when I thought . . . I ran like a coward because I was afraid of being hurt again. You destroyed me.”

Pain laced through her heart. “I’m—”

His finger laced across her lips, shushing her. “Then your words in that letter, they rebuilt me.”

What was he saying?

“You helped make me stronger. You challenge me in so many ways.” He smirked. “And I love every minute of it.”

But do you love me?

He leaned in, his mouth brushing softly against hers, sending a rush of heat throughout her body. Her yearning was held back by a thread of doubt.

“I love you, little witch. You’ve captured me—every part is yours.”