Chapter 34


Wiping the sheen of sweat off her brow, Mia walked out of the Hope Facility. The crisp air felt good in her lungs as she headed to her car. After a week in the hospital, she’d been nearly crawling out of her skin. She’d needed to stretch her body. It gave her something to do instead of staying in the lonely hotel room she’d rented to avoid having to see Andre next door. But the gaping hole left in her chest from losing him had pushed her to reach out for a lifeline. The moment he’d mentioned this place, her soul had been tugged in this direction. Children with pasts she could relate to, with a need for an outlet. Yoga had helped her, so why not them?

Aaron had been delighted and gathered the kids together not thirty minutes after she’d introduced herself. Too bad it’s only temporary. She couldn’t stay here—but Shattered Cove had become her home. Her business was here. She’d made friends. Mia winced and reached for her phone. A slew of unanswered and unread text messages sat in her inbox. I doubt they’ll still want to be my friend. Not after they learn the truth.

She wouldn’t put them in the middle of her and Andre. He’d obviously wanted nothing else to do with her. She understood his reasons, but it didn’t make it hurt any less. Anger boiled at the visual of his ex in his house. Why would he take her back like that? Maybe he still harbored feelings for her and Mia had been blind this whole time.

She sighed and slipped into her car. Not ready to go back to her lonely hotel room.

Remy and Jasmine deserved the truth, even if their friendship was doomed.

She clicked open her messages.

Mikel: Renovations are complete. Let me know when you want to do the final walk-through.

He’d been the only one she’d remained in contact with, and just because he stayed professional—his content was strictly about her studio.

Mia: I can meet you this afternoon. Does 2 p.m. work?

Her phone buzzed a moment later.

Mikel: See you then.

Mia clicked open Remy’s messages next. Remy had come to the hospital, but Mia had avoided talking too much, using her sore throat as an excuse—an exaggeration, but still true. Remy had shown up for three days in a row with homemade soup, frowning at what the hospital provided. Mia hadn’t been hungry, but she’d made an effort for her friend. Eventually Mia had to shut her out too and ask her not to come back.

Remy, being the good friend she was, had swallowed the hurt that flashed in her eyes and did as Mia asked.

Remy: Let me know if I can bring you anything. Please, Mia. I really care about you. You’re my friend no matter what is going on between you and my brother—and friends help each other.

Remy: Mia, Bently said you’ve been out of the hospital for days now. Where are you? I swung by the house, but it’s all packed up. Please don’t leave like this. Let me in.

Yes, her house was for sale. She couldn’t bear another minute being so close to the man she loved who probably hated her now. Thankfully, money made the world go around. The real estate agent who’d helped her close on her house was more than happy to help her sell. She’d hired another company to pack, move, and store her things. She only kept a few suitcases with her essentials at the hotel.

Remy: Mia? I don’t know what else to say. Dre isn’t responding . . . and you’re freezing me out. I’ll be here when you’re ready to talk.

Mia blinked back tears. Was there no end to the grief that leaked from her eyes? She pulled open the messages from Jasmine.

Jasmine: Remy is going crazy over here. Look, I know enough about secrets to see you have them. But you and Dre are so good for each other. Please come back. We don’t have to talk about it. We can pretend like nothing happened, but I miss you, Mia. I don’t say that to many people.

A pang of guilt shot through her chest. What have I done?

She typed a group text to her two friends: Hey, guys. I’m sorry I’ve been a ghost. I’m ready to talk if you still want to. I’m meeting Mikel at the studio at 2, so maybe we can meet up there afterwards?

The studio would be a neutral place. No chance of meeting Andre there because surely, he would be avoiding her too.

She had three missed calls from him and one voicemail. Pain stabbed her heart. She couldn’t handle listening to that right now. Maybe later with a bottle of tequila. What could he possibly have left to say to her? Nothing good, that was for sure. Mia put her phone down. She’d catch up on the rest of her messages another time.

She drove towards her new business, her happiness for the finished product clouded by a fog of regret.


At 1:45, she opened the door with her key. The smell of fresh paint still lingered. Not waiting for Mikel, she drank in the silence as she walked from room to room. Memories of Andre haunted each one. He was a part of this place, as much as she wished she could forget him.

Her chest squeezed and she hugged her arms around herself. She was alone. Again. On her own.

Making her way into the main studio, she surveyed the large room. Mia gasped, clamping her hand over her mouth. The wall she’d wanted torn down had a giant window made from what looked like sea glass. The sun shone through it, sending a rainbow of colors swirling all over the gleaming wood floor. She stepped into the light, reaching out as the hues dappled her hand. Tears slid down her cheeks. It’s perfect. This was the embodiment of her mother front and center—her dream come true. Mamá, you’re here. Aren’t you? The colors danced across her skin, warming as her mother’s spirit surrounded Mia with love.