Bently sighed and crossed his arms. “She passed out in that storm we had in the middle of the road. Don’t know how long she was there before she was found. Luckily, the good citizens called me.” Bently raked a hand over his face. “She was in bad shape, man. She passed out again in my arms and I rushed her to the hospital.”

He should have been there. Was she all alone? Was her fiancé there?


The handle of the coffee mug broke off the cup, and it tumbled and smashed on the counter. He stared at the destroyed porcelain in his hands. That was the day of our fight. She’d told him that she blacked out. Why didn’t he make sure Mia made it into her house?

Because she shattered what was left of my heart.

“Is she okay?” Andre repeated.

Bently nodded. “She got out yesterday. Wouldn’t tell me anything, but begged me not to tell you she was in the hospital. You wanna tell me why?”

Andre set the pieces from the handle on the counter and hung his head. “She lied to me. She lied to all of us. She’s been engaged this whole time.”

Bently’s expression didn’t change. Only Mikel seemed shocked.

“Tell me what happened, exactly.” Bently took a seat and leaned in on his elbows.

Andre recapped the worst day of his life within a matter of minutes. Both Mikel and Bently shook their heads.

“Just doesn’t seem like her,” Mikel said.

“Are you still taking her side? I was right about her, from the beginning, and you all wanted me to play nice. I should have gone with my gut because look where my fucking heart got me,” he snapped.

“Your heart? You love her?” Mikel asked, his brows creased.

Andre sighed. “Fool me twice. She’s worse than Tiffany.”

“You didn’t give her a chance to explain? There’s no way she could have duped all of us. There’s something fishy about this,” Bently said, scratching his beard.

“Nothing hidden here, detective. The guy she’s marrying was right in front of me. The same one she’d sworn was like a brother to her. I believed her. She’s good at deceiving people. She’s a fucking witch who cast us all under her spell.”

“Her friend Mateo?” Bently asked.

“You met him?”

Bently nodded. “In the hospital. The whole family stayed for a few days before Mia sent them on their way.”

The bastard didn’t even stay with her until she was better?

Bently chuckled.

“I fail to see what’s so fucking funny here.” Andre glared at his friend.

Bently waved his hand. “Mateo Lopez. Tall guy with dark hair, Spanish accent?”

“Yes,” Andre grated.

“He’s gay. Or, at the very least, bisexual.” Bently smirked.


“He hit on me. Then when he saw I was a no-fly zone, he got in real cozy with Doc Burton. Saw them at The Shipwreck a few times. They left together both nights,” Bently explained.

“Maybe Mateo and Mia have an open relationship?” Mikel suggested.

“Only way you can find out is to talk to Mia.” Bently picked up the broken mug and sipped Andre’s coffee.