“Mia?” Carmen’s voice drifted in through the lobby.

Mia smiled and kissed Andre. “I love you too.” But there’s so much you don’t know.

“Mia?” Carmen repeated, poking her head inside the studio. “Oh. There you are. Mamá—”

“There she is!” Mamá Lopez said as she burst in the room past Carmen. Jose and Mateo followed behind her. Andre dropped his arms.

Lucia stumbled forward, Jose reaching out to steady his wife’s arm. Mateo gave Mia a sympathetic shrug.

Mamá Lopez grabbed Mia and pulled her into a hug. The smell of vodka burned Mia’s nose. A worried knot formed in the pit of her stomach.

“I feared I might never see you again, mija. I thought for sure the plane would crash,” Lucia said, releasing her.

“The flight attendant thought vodka was a good idea to help calm her down,” Jose explained.

“But they didn’t take into account Mamá had already had a few drinks before boarding,” Carmen added, motioning to her mother.

“Look at you! You’re too thin. I need to make you some good food, get sssome meat on those bonesss,” Lucia slurred. Oh, God. Mamá Lucia needs some coffee and food—stat.

“I promise I’ve been eating well. I’m just so happy you all could come and see my new studio. Andre here is one of the contractors of the remodel.” Mia glanced up at him. He was meeting, for all intents and purposes, the only family she had, drunk or not.

“Andre, this is Lucia and Jose Lopez. They’re like my aunt and uncle,” Mia explained.

Andre reached out his hand to greet them. “It’s an honor.”

“Likewise. You’ve done a great job from what I can see.” Jose nodded, studying the space around them.

“It’s fantastic, Mia. Your mother would be so proud. You will make the best daughter-in-law. All I ask is for a grandchild sooner than later. Si?” Lucia winked.

Mia’s heart leapt to her throat as she snapped her head to Andre’s. Oh, no.

“I’m sorry. Why would Mia be giving you grandchildren soon?” Andre asked, his tone confused.

Mia’s chest burned, too paralyzed with fear to draw in enough oxygen to speak. All the pieces of her carefully crafted story were crumbling before her eyes and she was immobilized with terror to do anything. It was too late to stop it.

Lucia patted her hand over Mia’s cheek as she said, “Because my Mia is marrying Mateo next month, of course.”

Dre staggered back a step. All the warmth drained from his face. A moment later, anger radiated from him as he glared at her before stalking out of the room.

Her secrets shattered her glass heart into a million pieces.