Chapter 28


Mia blinked her eyes open. Predawn light filtered in through the window. A heavy arm wrapped around her naked waist and her sensitive parts ached. She’d been too weak and given in. Again.

Her eyes burned and she squinted them closed. Andre had said he wanted more. Pain sliced through her heart. The need to create distance between this man she craved and her duty warred inside her. One more minute. She’d relish his embrace just a little longer before she faced reality.

Find happiness, mija. But above all else, survive. Her mother’s words echoed in her mind. She had to keep her promise to her mother, even if that meant giving up the only thing that made her feel alive.

She carefully maneuvered out from under him. Padding her bare feet over to her dresser, she pulled out the first pair of skinny jeans and blouse she found and shut herself in the bathroom. Mia hurriedly brushed her teeth, got dressed, and threw her hair into a ponytail before sneaking out to her car. She was being a coward, but she couldn’t face him today.

Her whole body ached as she drove off towards her friends at the inn. Mia’s stomach knotted and flipped the farther away she drove from the man who had captured her heart despite her best efforts.


Later that afternoon, Mia went to the studio. She could finally breathe again. Whatever discomfort she’d woken up with had begun to lessen. The building smelled of paint and fresh-cut wood, but the lobby was finished. A large custom-built reception desk stood off to the right. She walked through, room by room. Her office was also complete, the walls a sage green with white trim.

Turning around, she headed to the main studio that was almost finished. Tears sprung to her eyes. This was all really happening. Her studio was nearly complete, but with the weight of everything else, the joy she should have felt was diminished. She wiped the tears away.

Why can’t I have both love and security? Could it be possible to be happy and safe? Would Andre forgive her for what she’d kept from him? She’d have to tell him everything. If he would listen to her, surely he’d understand why this issue wasn’t so black and white. She sniffled, straightening her back. Uncertainty spun through her. She’d never shared all her secrets with anyone before. Could she do it?

I have to.Because I love him.


She jumped and spun around. Andre stood in the doorway, taking up all the oxygen in the room.

Mia forced her lungs to pull in a ragged breath, barely getting enough for a whisper. “What are you doing here?”

He stepped closer, the ache in her body returning with his proximity. There was no use fighting it—she’d just have to accept that she’d always want what she couldn’t have.

“I got worried after I woke to an empty bed. I searched everywhere for you.”

“I had to meet my friends. They’re leaving tomorrow, but their parents are flying in to see my studio. They should be arriving any minute actually.” And I didn’t want to face you.

Andre reached out, taking hold of her shoulders. “We didn’t get to finish our conversation.”


“Tell me what’s wrong.”

“It’s nothing.” She waved her hand.

“I need you to be honest with me about something.”

She stiffened, her gaze locking with his. Did he know?

“Are you pregnant?”

“What?” She frowned. “No! You think I would keep something like that from you?”

“I know I haven’t been the most approachable about this whole situation. We got off on the wrong foot and kinda got stuck there for a while. But that changes now. Mia, I love you.” He moved his hands to cup her face as a tremble rocked her body. Tears sprang to her eyes.

“I want to wake up to you in my bed every morning. Or, I can stay over at your place.” He smiled. “What I feel for you doesn’t compare to anything I’ve ever experienced in my life.”

His eyes shone with affection and it was all directed at her. This man loved her. She never thought in a million years she’d fall for someone, and yet, he’d captured her heart so completely. She loved Andre too. But would he still after learning the truth? Could she tell him everything?

Andre’s hold didn’t waver. He was worth the risk. No matter what she had to do. This was what her parents had had, and she’d do whatever she needed to hold on to Andre and this once-in-a-lifetime love.