Mia poured herself another shot of tequila, waiting for the burn to pass before she spoke. “I hate to break it to you, guys, but Dre and I are just friends.”

“Friends who fuck,” Emma clarified.

Remy covered her face in her hands as if embarrassed.

“Sometimes.” Why was she even telling them this?

“You are a fool if you think the way that man looks at you is friendly,” Jasmine said.

“Well, it’s all I have to offer and he made it clear that’s all he wants. Sorry to burst your bubbles,” Mia said, taking a gulp of her iced drink. “Come on. Let’s bring out this dinner before it gets cold.” Mia shut off the burner and removed the tamales, placing the steaming bundles onto a platter.

“I’ll go get the guys to help carry stuff,” Remy said, wobbling slightly off her stool.

Jasmine laughed. “And I’ll help you walk.”

“I have a gig at The Shipwreck on Halloween. You should come. It will be fun to dress up, have a few drinks. Bring your man,” Emma said, walking over and leaning against the counter next to Mia.

She nodded and forced a smile. “That sounds fun.”

October was just a month away—a reminder that this all had to end sooner than later. Her life would be drastically different in the very near future. Would they all hate her after they found out?

Andre and she were destined to fail. He had no grace for liars—even by omission. And she was keeping the greatest secret of all. No, Mia didn’t get a happily-ever-after. She had bigger priorities and a promise to fulfill. She’d thought it before, but this time there would be no slipups, no visits to her house under the pretense of helping set up for a party, or bringing takeout. She needed to stop spending time with Andre. It was literally a case of life or death.