After pulling out her own finished array of Mexican meals, Mia slipped Remy’s dishes into the oven to warm them up. Sipping the cool, sweet and tangy drinks, Mia relaxed into easy conversation with the women. She left once to let Emma in.

“Sorry I’m late.”

“No worries. We’re just chatting while we finish prepping the meal.” Mia gestured to an empty stool.

“Where’s your girlfriend? She let you off your leash to come to this party alone?” Remy asked.

Emma rolled her eyes. “I got sick of all her drama. She was too clingy. It was fun while it lasted . . . mostly.”

“I’m sorry.” Remy placed her hand on her friend’s.

Emma shrugged. “You win some, you lose some. I just seem to be good at the losing end of things.”

A moment of silence passed between the women before Emma spoke. “All right, I’ll put the tiny violin away. Let’s drink and have a good time. Catch me up on all the gossip.”

Mia pulled out her tequila and a few shot glasses. She gave them a lime wedge and salt. “Bottoms up.”

Emma smiled and lifted the small glass. “I knew I liked you.”

The women downed the liquor and squinted.

“Charli’s husband, Finn, has had his deployment overseas extended another couple months,” Remy said.

“Who’s Charli?” Mia asked.

“The bartender at The Shipwreck. Those two have been sweet on each other since high school,” Emma answered.

“That’s scary. I hope Finn stays safe,” Jasmine added.

“Have you been busy at the bakery?” Mia asked, starting the tamales in the steamer.

“Yes. Wedding season is coming to an end—this is the last month of it. All the fall foliage has some people scheduling events until mid-September. After that, I’ll be able to breathe a little easier.” Remy sighed.

“How about the inn?”

Jasmine sipped her drink before nodding. “It’s been booked solid. All that wedding-season traffic. Thanks for sending them my way, Rem,” Jasmine answered.

“How about you?” Remy asked Mia.

“I’m good.”

“Come on. Give us the details. I mean, not the dirty specifics because he’s my brother and that would be gross,” Remy prodded.

Jasmine rolled her eyes. “Now you know how I felt.”

Remy smiled with a dreamy look in her eyes before she sighed. “Yeah, but your brother is hot, and amazing, and—”

“Okay, I think that’s enough alcohol for this lightweight.” Jasmine pulled the margarita from in front of Remy.

“You know, I only seem to drink when we come to Mia’s.” Remy laughed.

“Well, I’m not related to any of them, so I want the fucking dirty details. Literally.” Emma laughed.

“Oh my God.” Remy shook her head.

“Karma.” Jasmine smiled.

“It’s about time Dre had someone good in his life. Tiffany was a bitch,” Emma added.