Mia smiled. “And soon, so much more.”

“Alright. I’ve got to get back to work. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

Mia ended the call. A pressure built—an uneasy feeling chilling her insides. A warning blared in the back of her mind. There was a fork in the road ahead that she’d never seen coming. How did she choose? She couldn’t. That choice had been taken from her the moment she was born south of the border.


Mia stood and made her way to the front door. Drawing a deep breath, she opened it.

Her eyes lazily made the ascent from his black Chucks to the fitted jeans that clung to his muscular thighs. A black T-shirt showed off his toned arms from his physically demanding job. The need to fall into them was overwhelming. He’d offer her reprieve from her life—her real life—not the fantasy she lived while with him.

“Hey. Just thought you could use some help prepping for the party later.”

Andre’s deep voice sent heat pooling between her thighs. It had been six long days since she’d last given in to temptation. Unbidden thoughts tumbled into her mind, pulling her left and right. His presence intoxicated her like no other. The magnetic tug towards him was stronger than the force of gravity. She yearned for him, every cell in her body craving his touch.

“I could use something from you.” She ran her finger over his mouth and down his chest slowly as she locked her gaze with his. Lust burned her from the tiny contact.

Andre leaned in and kissed her, chasing away all the warring thoughts from her mind and bringing her back to the present where only his body against hers mattered. The door slammed shut as he walked her backwards. She gasped. Andre picked Mia up in his arms and carried her up the stairs. They entered the room where he set her down carefully on the bed. She broke the kiss to close her bedroom door, shutting out reality for a little longer.


Two hours later, they were both downstairs. She laughed as he spread the filling in the tamale and passed it to her. He’d given up trying to wrap them himself.

He sipped his beer. “See? We make a great team.”

“We do.” She smiled, still high on oxytocin and endorphins from the amazing sex. How was it possible that each time got better and better? They did work well together—in and out of the bedroom. Of all the people she’d first met in Shattered Cove, she’d never have guessed that this man would be the one she fit with the most.

“What time will everyone be here?”


They both laughed. “I guess that’s your answer.” She dried her hands on a towel before heading over to the door.

Remy greeted her first, with Lyra next to her and Mikel holding Phoenix behind them. “Hey, girl! We brought some dishes to share.”

“Perfect. Come on in. I figured we’d set up the food in the kitchen and eat in the backyard.” Mia ushered them in as Andre approached from behind and wrapped an arm around her waist.

“Mommy said you have a pool?” Lyra asked wide-eyed with a floaty in her hand.

Mia nodded. “I sure do.”

“After we eat, okay, pumpkin?” Mikel reminded her.

“Oooookayyyy.” She walked in, guided by her father.

“Is the food in the car?” Andre asked Remy, slipping his hand into the back pocket of Mia’s skinny jeans. Heat flared up her body. Did he even realize what he was doing to her?

“Yes. There are a few dishes in the trunk.”

Andre disappeared out the door, leaving Mia alone in the entryway with a smirking Remy.

“Make yourself at home,” Mia said.

“Mm-hmm. I’m gonna pretend you don’t look like you just had sexy time with my brother.”

“How did you know?” Mia pressed her neck. Had Andre left a mark on her again?