Chapter 25


Walking across the grass of her front lawn in the fading light, Andre’s stomach knotted. Concern for Mia squeezed his chest as he knocked on the door.

Would she answer? What had he done to upset her?

Slow steps padded closer as her silhouette formed on the other side of the glass. He drew in a steadying breath as she opened the door. Her face was impassive, her eyes void of emotion.

“Did you need something?” she asked, her voice unwavering and indifferent.

“Are you okay?” he asked. Was she going to invite him in?

“Of course.”

He nodded towards her house. “Can we talk for a minute?”

She bit her bottom lip and looked down. “I’m really tired. I just want to be alone tonight. I’m not in the mood for sex.”

He blinked a few times, digesting what was happening. She was pushing him away, reminding him where the lines were drawn. Or did she feel used because this was just sex? Did she really want more?

“I never got to tell you about my visit with Aaron at the Hope Facility.” Hopefully a neutral topic would set her at ease.

She hesitated, searching his eyes before standing aside and gesturing him in. Mia closed the door behind him and crossed her arms over herself.

Should he reach out and embrace her? Should he ignore the elephant in the room or directly address it?

“Coffee?” she asked.

“Nah, too late in the day for me.”

She nodded and walked over to her gray overstuffed couch.

He sat next to her, giving her a little space between them. “Aaron said he’d keep an eye out for the kid, and ask around. But he didn’t know anyone off the top of his head that fit the description and had a sister.”

Mia nodded as she stared at the coffee table, seemingly avoiding his eyes.

“He also said there is a rise in gang activity in the area. You gotta be safe, Mia—no chancing walking alone at night or in certain areas of town. Tell me what time you start running and I’ll go with you, just in case.”

Her fists clenched as she angled her body farther away from him. How did this happen? They’d had a great day. She’d fit in with his friends better than any other person. His ex hadn’t even tried. Mia was playful, kind, genuine, and thoughtful. Shit. He wanted more. He wanted a relationship with Mia. Could he open himself up like that and take a chance on her?

“I don’t need you to. I can take care of myself,” Mia said.

He was already in too deep, because the thought of not protecting her made the depths of his soul ache. His chest burned, anger rising from its hidden recesses. Fuck. If he exploded, he’d push her away. What did she need? “Okay. But promise me you’ll be careful.”

She turned to look at him. “I always am.” The mask she wore slipped only a moment before she steeled her gaze and focused on her hands in her lap.

Maybe he needed to man up and take the first step. “I dated my ex, Tiffany, for five years. I came home one day and she was crying in the kitchen, which was no rare event. She always demanded my attention, and at the slightest thing I did or didn’t do, she’d turn it into this big production of waterworks and packing her stuff.”

Mia relaxed into the couch, lifting her eyes to his chest.

“I really thought I loved her. I figured all relationships had their fair share of ups and downs. I guess we just had more lows. Anyways, that last day she told me she was pregnant.”

Mia’s eyes darted to him, the question radiating from them.

“I was shocked and terrified, but also excited. We hadn’t planned on having a kid anytime soon. We’d always used protection. So, I figured it was meant to be.”

She winced.