Chapter 24


The cookout was in full swing. The scent of roasting meat and smoke from the grill wafted over Remy’s backyard. Three picnic tables had been moved together to form one long table filled with several delectable dishes.

“You’ve really outdone yourself, Remy. I don’t know where you find the time or energy to do all this,” Mia complimented.

Remy smiled and adjusted her baby boy on her hip. His little light brown fist grabbed one of her long braids. “I love doing this. Mikel helped me prep most of it last night after we got the kids in bed. Emma and I finished it up this morning. Have you met her yet?”

Mia shook her head.

Remy waved her hand for Mia to follow. “Come on over here. I’ll introduce you.”

Mia glanced towards the grill where Andre stared at her, sipping on a beer with both Mikel and Bently at his sides. He offered her a secret smile as her belly flip-flopped. Darting her eyes back ahead, Remy stood by two pretty blond women she hadn’t seen around before.

“Mia, this is Emma. We’ve been best friends forever.” Remy smiled at the woman closest to her. Emma stretched out one tattooed arm which Mia gladly shook. “Nice to meet you.”

“I’ve heard a lot about you. Rem doesn’t shut up about your cookies. This is my girlfriend, Roxy.”

The other woman waved before wrapping her arm around Emma’s waist protectively.

“Hello. It’s great to meet new people.” Mia smiled.

“Mia is going to run a new yoga studio in town,” Remy said to Emma.

Roxy’s blue eyes looked her up and down as if sizing her up. “Yoga, huh?”


“That’s really cool. Maybe we can check it out together once it opens,” Emma suggested, placing her arm around her girlfriend as well. Roxy seemed to relax a little.

Mia’s skin tingled. She turned in time to catch Andre’s stare once again. He winked before angling back to Mikel and saying something. They both laughed.

“Earth to Mia,” Remy said. Mia snapped her attention back to her friend. Emma and Roxy were now walking towards the coolers of beer. How long had she been ogling Andre? Remy’s grin told her it was long enough to be caught.

“Are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?” Remy asked as Lyra darted around them and then ran back to her swing set.

“What do you mean?”

Remy rolled her eyes. “I think he really likes you too. Just be patient with him. He’s had his fair share of heartbreak.”

The concern that flashed in her friend’s eyes brought an ache to Mia’s chest. The thought of Andre, a man she’d once seen as her enemy, now her . . . friend, brought a surge of protective need in her. “We’re just friends.”

“Oh, so you have nothing to do with the smile that’s been plastered on his face lately? My usually grumpy, ornery brother is just magically happy?” Remy gave her an incredulous look.

“Why would you assume it’s because of me?” Mia shrugged, trying to act nonchalant. Knowing she might have something to do with the happiness returning to Andre’s life made her chest squeeze with pride.

“Oh, nothing besides neither one of you can keep your eyes off each other.” Remy giggled. “I know my brother, and I know that look in his eye. He really likes you.” The last sentence sounded a bit like a warning.

“We are just friends. Trust me when I say that’s all we can ever be. He’s not interested in me like that. He’s made that very clear.”

“And you?” Remy asked.

What about Mia? Did she want more with Andre? It didn’t matter, so there was no use entertaining the idea because it could never happen.

“Come get your grub!” Bently bellowed.

Mia hooked her hand around Remy’s free arm as baby Phoenix snuggled against her shoulder with drooping eyes. “Come on. Let’s go eat.”