
“What do you want out of life?”

Wasn’t that a loaded question. “I just want security. And to find happiness. To honor my parents’ memory.”

He nodded, not taking his eyes off her. It was like he knew she was just scratching the surface, that she was holding back. “I pick dare.”

This game was becoming all too real. “I dare you to kiss me.” Help me feel not so alone for a little while.

Andre grabbed her hand, pulling her onto his lap as she straddled him. His hands gently but firmly grasped her face. Her eyes fluttered closed. Anticipation wound thick between them as his breath tickled against her lips. She closed the distance, melding her mouth to his. Soft lips, hot tongues, and chemistry sparked like fireworks on the Fourth of July, lighting her up inside. Tears escaped the corner of her eyes. What was this man doing to her? Maybe it was the wine. Maybe she was drunk on Andre. Either way, this was too much and not enough all at once.

One of his palms moved to the back of her neck, gripping and holding her closer while the other traced her spine.

The way he held her was like he cherished her. Like he cared for her. She gripped his shirt, pulling him closer and holding him at a distance all at the same time. Breaking the kiss was harder than it should have been. “I should go.”

“Stay?” he asked, chest heaving against hers.

She glanced at the stairs, hesitating.

“I promise I’ll make it worth your while.” He nipped at her shoulder, as heady tingles shot through her.

What could it hurt? As long as they had sex, it wouldn’t mean anything more, right? His touch blurred lines. Whatever this feeling was between them was more like controlled disorder. She was on the verge of combustion even though she’d just had him hours ago. Yet still, Mia wanted him. She couldn’t walk away from this.

“Okay.” Her voice was just above a whisper.

Andre dug his hands into her hips and stood, lifting her in his arms as she wrapped her legs around his waist and giggled.

The man was chaos and she couldn’t get enough. She’d hang on just a little longer, stealing what happiness she could and locking it away for the dark days to come. Because they would come. They always did.