By the time they’d finished their dinner, she was warm and relaxed from all the wine, and the laughter. Andre stood and gathered their plates.

“I can do the dishes,” Mia offered.

He shook his head. “You’re my guest.”

“But you helped me last time. And you cooked. It’s only fair.” She drained the last of her glass and got up to help.

“I guess you could help me.” He caved.

They worked side by side. Mia washed and rinsed while Andre dried and put away.

“Let’s leave the glasses out. I have another bottle right here.” Andre pulled one from the fridge.

She hesitated. Should she stay?

He popped the cork and poured two generous helpings before passing her a glass. She glanced out his window towards her dark empty house. What could one more glass hurt?

Mia followed him into the living room and took a seat on his comfy couch, tucking her feet under her before she sipped again from her glass. He settled next to her, his hand gripping her knee. Even though she’d just had the man an hour ago, fire burned up her leg from his touch, igniting a blaze of something between lust and comfort. The alcohol hit her, adding a floaty, relaxed feeling to the mix.

“You’re a pretty cool person,” Andre said.

“You’re not so bad yourself.”

“Truth or dare?” he asked.

She shook her head. “What are we, in middle school?”

He laughed. “Come on. It will be fun.”

She rolled her eyes. “Dare.”

His eyes glimmered in the low light of the living room. “I dare you to tell me one of your fantasies.”

“Going right for the deep questions, huh?” She laughed, tipping her head to the side. The room tilted as she set down her near-empty glass of wine. Threading her fingers into his, she licked her lips and met his gaze. Flashes of children running around as she and the imagined Prince Charming snuggled up together played through her mind. Prince Charming could look an awful lot like Andre. She shook her head, trying to rid herself of the impossible.

“I’ve always wanted to try semi-public sex. You know, like, where someone would just have to look up and see you or walk through the door. I imagine it would add a little extra something.”

He took a drink and nodded.

“What about you? Truth or dare?” She relaxed against the back of the sofa, spreading her legs over his lap.

Andre’s big hands grasped her feet, massaging them. “Truth.”

“Mmmm.” She tried to focus, but the things that man could do with his hands . . .


“Why were you so mean to me?” What exactly had caused this man to hate her so much without even getting to know her?

His hands halted as he sighed. Andre’s eyes met hers. “Because you scared me. I felt that spark between us, and you are so goddamn sexy. You made me want you when I’d sworn off women. You made it impossible for my life to continue the way it was in my comfort level. I got angry at myself and took it out on you. Sorry again about being an asshole.”

She nodded. “I get that.” Boy, did she ever.

“Your turn.” He pressed his thumb into the arch of her foot and resumed the massage.

God, she could lie here like this forever.

Whoa. Don’t get too comfortable. This is just temporary.