
“Why are you leaking down my leg?”


He’d forgotten a condom, again. She had too though. When they were together like that, logic went out the window.

“I’m so sorry. I got caught up and totally forgot. I swear I wasn’t . . . I mean, fuck. I screwed up.”

“It’s okay. I forgot too. And I was kind of begging for your cock.”

His deep laughter rumbled in his chest, vibrating through her body and sending chills across her skin.

“You certainly were. But that’s no excuse. I shouldn’t have been so careless. That’s the second time it’s happened with you. I’ve never gone bare with anyone else before.”

She heard what he didn’t say. He’d never let his guard down that completely in the past.

“Me either.” She’d not once been so reckless. But the panic never came. She was safe in Andre’s arms, shielded from the real world as she reveled in the moment just a little longer.

“Do you need anything from me? I can run to the pharmacy?”

“No. My IUD is as effective as they come, Dre.”

“Right. I forgot.”

A beat of silence passed. His palm brushed up and down her arm soothingly.

I wish I could keep you.

“I like it when you call me Dre.”

“You said only your friends could. I am a friend now. I figured it was allowed,” she teased.

“You’re something, that’s for sure.”

“Maybe I should just call you D.” She giggled and affected a casual tone. “Hey, D, come on over and give me some of that D.” Her laughter grew louder.

“You think you’re hilarious, don’t you?”

“I try.” She sighed.

“You can have this D whenever you want, but only if you never refer to me as D. Understood?”

“If I do, do I get punished with the D?”

He snorted. “You’d like that too much.”

Anything with this man’s cock was a gift. She’d never been one to go crazy over a penis before, but Andre’s stretched her so perfectly.

He cleared his throat. “This weekend, my friends are getting together at Remy’s house. You wanna come?”

That sounded an awful lot like a date. She shouldn’t go, just for that reason. But she wanted to. What did that mean?

“You don’t have to. Remy asked if I’d bring you along.”

She let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. Remy was her friend; so was Jasmine. She’d go to see her friends. Friends. Yes, maybe if she thought the word ten more times it would cement into her brain. She’d never had this problem before with guys. There was always a clear line in the sand. Feelings were never mixed with sex. If they were, it was usually from them, and she’d take her cue and run the other way.
