Jealousy burned his veins as he clenched his fists. He should have known better.


He ran a hand over his head as he moved to the front of the house, eyes locked on her door as it opened. A man with tan skin and dark hair followed her outside as they walked towards his car. Andre drew in rapid breaths as his chest constricted. Mia was smiling as the man swept her up in a hug and she gave him a peck on the lips.

Did she sleep with him? Why else would he be there?

Mia had money, and by the looks of it, so did this guy. Did Mia want that? Sure, Andre did just fine, but he wasn’t the BMW-owning, suit-wearing type. He was a blue-collar man through and through. Mia was cheating on him. No. They weren’t dating. She’d made that clear. They’d agreed. So why did this feel like his heart was being ripped out of his chest? It hadn’t felt this intense even when Tiffany had confessed.

The water sizzled from where it spilled over, boiling. Andre went to the kitchen and turned off the stove. He wasn’t hungry anymore. He was pissed. He grabbed the bottle of whiskey from the cupboard and filled himself a glass. He threw back the amber liquid until it didn’t burn anymore.

Hours went by. The clock on the wall ticked loudly as if mocking him. Should he confront her? Should he just end this and forget it had ever happened? Yeah, right. Like that was possible. Now he knew what he would be missing. Maybe it was just a friend. A friend she kissed on the mouth. It didn’t seem like a lover’s kiss though.

He shook his head, the room mildly spinning. He was going to go crazy if he sat here stewing over every little possibility. He stood, setting his empty glass on the side table. He needed to get this over with.

He trudged to her door, breathing in the humid night air. He cleared his throat and rang her bell.

Her soft footsteps came closer as he straightened his shoulders. Her figure, blurred by the glass door, still managed to make his lungs hitch.

Mia opened the door, a big grin on her face. Her tanned body was wrapped in a pink silk robe. His hands itched to grab her, to make her forget any other man’s touch but his. His heart demanded answers.

“Hey, you. I was hoping you’d drop by.” She leaned against the door, her seductive eyes raking over him. Was she playing him?

His whole body came alive under her gaze. Her smell wound around him, pulling him towards her as he stepped inside.

“Are you okay?” she asked, as if sensing his inner turmoil.

“Who was that?”

Mia’s brow furrowed before understanding flashed across her beautiful face. “My friend from California flew in for the day.”

Was this friend in on the benefits too? “Do you kiss all your friends?”

The side of her mouth quirked up. “Only the very best ones.” She headed towards the back of the house and he followed, anger tensing every muscle in his rigid body. Disgust roiled in his belly and jealousy clamored, battering the inside of his rib cage.

His ears rang as she opened the patio doors and walked into the humid night air. The pool glowed, casting her in a blue hue.

He ground his teeth. How could she be so nonchalant about this while he was feeling like a caged animal, roaring and clawing to get out of its prison?

“Mia.” His voice rose in volume with his frustration.

“Yeah?” The silk robe she wore swished to the ground, leaving her naked. The moonlight highlighted the dips and curves of her voluptuous body.

His breath caught in his throat as he struggled to swallow. She stepped into the water, her bare breasts hovering just above the surface, tempting him to forget everything and join her.

No. He wouldn’t be caught under her spell. He needed to know.

“Did you fuck him?”