Chapter 21


After pulling into an empty parking spot, Andre cut the ignition and climbed out of the truck. His steps had felt lighter this past week. Everything was back on track at the jobsite, and almost every night he ended up at Mia’s door—and then usually her bed. It was the best sex of his life.

He entered through the double doors of the Hope Facility. Passing the lobby, he walked into the large room used for speakers and group meetings. A few clusters of teenagers were gathered in the area, laughing and talking. Andre searched their faces for any sign of the scared accomplice who’d been with their assailant in the alley.


Andre turned as Aaron’s smiling face greeted him. “My man. How are you?”

Aaron nodded and reached out one of his long arms to slap hands with him. “Not bad, my friend. You?” Aaron asked.

Andre returned the gesture, ending it with a fist bump. He surveyed the room of mostly disinterested teens. “Is there somewhere private we can talk?”

Aaron’s brow furrowed and he crossed his arms. “Sure. Let’s go to my office.”

They walked along a hallway and stepped into a room that Andre had renovated himself. He’d had a big hand in helping Aaron’s dreams become a reality in this place. The centerpiece was a large cherry desk. Pictures of Aaron playing pro ball accented the blue walls, along with his certifications of philanthropy and his degree in social work and psychology. Locked file cabinets lined one side, no doubt filled with the hundreds of names and related documents on each child and teenager who came through the doors needing a refuge.

Aaron took a seat behind his desk and motioned for Dre to sit across from him. “What’s on your mind?” Aaron asked as the chair squeaked.

“My—” Shit, I almost said girlfriend. “My friend and I got mugged last week.”

Aaron sat up straighter. “I’m sorry, man. You guys okay?”

“Yeah. Um, I’m here because the younger kid didn’t seem to want to be a part of it, and the piece of shit who held a knife to my throat threatened his sister. I don’t know. I figured it was worth mentioning to see if you’ve heard anything. I can describe the kid I saw, but not the one with the knife.”

Aaron let out a whistle. “What about your friend? Did they see the other guy’s face?”

Andre drew in a deep breath. “She wants to stay out of it.”

Aaron raised his eyebrows. “She?”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake. I don’t need to hear it from you too. Did you miss the part about her just being a friend?”

Aaron smirked. “All right. Well, I have picked up on some whispers about some low-level gang activity happening in the outskirts of the city, specifically Shattered Cove. More like a wannabe gang, if you will. Some of the kids mentioned having run into an older teen, maybe early twenties. Guy has ties to a bigger dealer. Could be him—maybe not. You and your . . . friend should be careful.”

A gang? In Shattered Cove? Andre shook his head. “I can’t believe it. This is the most family-friendly town I know.”

“Drug dealers come in from out of state, get the kids hooked, then turn them into dealers themselves. Most of these kids are dealing with so much pain, trouble at home—hell, you remember what it was like being a teenager. So many hormones, needing to impress, not fitting in. Opioids are an epidemic, and a lot of the population get their first fix from their doctor. They lead a completely normal life, then they get an injury, and bam. They’re addicted.”

Andre had watched Mikel go through his struggles with addiction. “Wish there was something more I could do.”

“Why don’t you give me a description of this kid you saw and I’ll try to identify if I know him? I can ask around.”

Andre nodded.

After giving his friend the details, he said goodbye and headed back to his truck. He’d left work a couple of hours early to make this trip to Aaron’s and be back to surprise Mia with dinner. He’d cook this time. They’d need sustenance for the hours he planned on spending finding new ways to make her come. His body buzzed with anticipation—she was the one person who could make him feel alive. The one person who didn’t drill him about his personal life. Mia lived in the moment, and he wanted more of them.

Pulling into his driveway, his brow furrowed. An expensive-looking BMW was parked in front of Mia’s. He grabbed his lunchbox and headed inside to shower off the sweat and sawdust from his long hours at work.

Did Mia have a friend visiting? An uncomfortable knot formed in his gut as he stripped his clothing and climbed in the shower. The hot water cleansed his skin, but he couldn’t shake the unease that weighed on his shoulders.

After shutting off the spray, he grabbed his towel and dried off. Tying it around his waist, he peered out the window. Her bedroom curtains were closed. He could text her and ask her if he could come over, but he didn’t even have her phone number. Mikel had it though. However, if she had company, then maybe he should give her space. It wasn’t like they were dating. Panic struck him. Was she still seeing other people?

He got dressed and went down to the kitchen to start the pasta. As the water heated, he searched out the window for any sign of Mia. Movement in the kitchen caught his attention—Mia and some tall stranger.

A man was in Mia’s house.