Chapter 20


Stretching out her leg, Mia arched her back into pigeon pose. She exhaled, focusing on her breath. Her muscles were still a little sore. Because of Andre. And the most explosive sex she’d ever had. She bit back the smile. Shaking her head in an attempt to refocus her thoughts, she glided forward into upward dog and then down to plank. A delicious heat stirred in her belly, but she’d blame it on the planks and not the image flashing in her mind of the intense desire in his eyes. There had been something so primal about the way he’d taken her like that. She’d never connected that way with any of her lovers before. Too bad the shadow that followed her all her life had to go and ruin it so soon. Would he go to the police? Anxiety gripped her chest, constricting her airway.


Mia shot a quick glance at her upside-down phone out of habit. The message could wait.

She eased onto her back as she relaxed and stretched out her sore muscles. Her neck ached from having her necklace ripped from her the night before. Bending her knees to her chest, she rocked side to side. Spreading her arms out, she straightened into her final pose of rest for a few minutes as she filled her belly with air. Beads of sweat trickled down her forehead as she let herself drift into her safe place.

She could have taken all that had happened in her life and chosen to be bitter and stay closed off from people in her life like Andre seemed to. But she owed her parents more. They didn’t die so that she could become a shell. Mia was going to do exactly as they wanted and be happy. She’d help others too. That was how she’d live in their legacy.


She exhaled and sat up, reaching for her phone.

Mateo: Buenos días, beautiful! My flight gets in next Thursday morning at 9 and I can stay until 4. I have to drive to Boston after that for some meetings.

Mia: I guess we have quite a lot to do in such little time. Can’t wait to see you!I miss you.

She plugged in her cell by the bed and rolled up her mat before heading to take a shower.

A little while later, Mia was dressed in a pair of shorts and a white V-neck as she brushed out her long, wet hair. Knocking sounded from the first floor. She jogged down the stairs and opened the door.

“Andre.” She searched for any sign he’d brought Bently or another policeman. Only green grass and trees stood behind him. She let out a sigh of relief.

“Can we talk?” he asked.

“Sure.” Mia opened the door, allowing him access.

They walked over to the kitchen island and he took a seat.

“I was just going to make some coffee. Do you want some?” she asked.

Please don’t be here about the mugging.

“No, I, uh … I just wanted to talk about the other night.”

Shit.Option number two it is, then—distracting with flirtation.

“Well, we could go upstairs and you could show me. You made a lot of promises.” She smiled, hoping he’d take the bait and not bring up the mugging again.

His eyes darkened as he stared at her protruding nipples. She had no plans of leaving the house, so she’d gone without a bra.

He swallowed. “Not about that. About the robbery.”

“I told you—I just want to forget it ever happened.”

“Is there a reason why you don’t want to go to the cops and report it?”

She met his gaze as her whole body flushed with heat. Did he know?

Should I just tell him?

“They were kids. I’m worried about the younger one. It was obvious he did it under duress. The one with the knife threatened his sister.” It was true.

“All the more reason to talk to Bently,” he argued.