“You worried about what happened to Tom?” Mikel took another sip of his drink.

“Yeah, he’s gonna pull through though,” Andre answered his friend as Bently pulled Mia close, wiggling his hips and spinning her around. She laughed. His hands roamed dangerously low, landing just above her ass. The same ass I had in my hands as I came inside her little more than twenty-four hours ago.

Mikel chuckled, but he’d missed whatever he’d said. Andre was too preoccupied by Bently and Mia. The woman he wanted. Fuck, he did want her. Again, and again.

“I’m gonna head home. It’s my turn to put the kids to bed while Remy has some alone time,” Mikel said, throwing some bills onto the bar top.

“See you later.” Andre nodded, not taking his eyes from Mia.

Mikel leaned in and spoke close to his ear. “You know he brought her here to rile you up, right?”


Mikel nodded towards the dance floor. “He’s got it bad for some other girl who won’t give him the time of day. He said he’s lost all interest in other women. The only reason he invited Mia was to get your stubborn ass back into enjoying life.”

Bently didn’t want Mia? “What the hell does Mia have to do with that?”

“Dude, you really are in denial. The tension between you two is white-hot.”

“That’s why we fight like cats and dogs?”

Mikel shook his head and chuckled. “Sometimes the best fucking comes after all that fighting. All that passion bottled up.”

If only Mikel knew how right he was. “I don’t need to hear that shit about my sister.”

Mikel shrugged. “I’m not saying Bent won’t take advantage of your situation. You know how he is. It’s now or never.” His friend walked away, leaving him alone at the bar to stew in the anger and jealousy radiating through every cell of his body.

Mia’s head rested on Bently’s shoulder as they moved to a slow dance. Did she fit Bently’s body as perfectly as she’d felt against his?

Andre gulped the rest of his drink and got to his feet. His heart raced the closer he got. He tapped on Bently’s shoulder.

“Mind if I cut in?”

Bently smirked like he’d won the biggest prize at the fair. “About damn time.”

Mia looked between the two men, obviously as in the dark about this setup as he had been.

“I gotta get going anyways. You’ll make sure she gets back to her car safe?” Bently asked.

“Of course.” Andre wrapped his arms around Mia as they started to dance.

“What is this?” she asked, straight to the point.

“Did you know I was going to be here?”

She shook her head. “I agreed to meet Bently for a drink. I figured it would just be us. He’s been asking me for a while.”

“It really was just sex to you?” he asked, emotion clogging his throat. What answer did he want from her?

“Yes.” Her voice rose an octave higher with her answer.

“Do you still want that?”

She pulled back to look him in the eyes. “I’ve made it no secret that I’m attracted to you. I meant it when I said I can’t do a relationship right now. It will just be sex, nothing more.”

“Then I just have one more question for you.” He nearly growled his words as his cock throbbed with the fantasies playing out in his head that could now come to fruition.

“What?” Her voice came out breathy as she slid her hands over his chest.

“Your place, or mine?”