Andre shook his head. “Nah. I don’t have it in me to take the kind of risks you do.” Except with Mia apparently.

“What risks? My heart isn’t ever involved. I think you might be defective. You are the only man I’ve ever known to always get his heart involved when he uses his dick. Don’t you know they’re separate organs?” Bently chuckled and took another swig of his beer.

“I meant risks like herpes, you dumb fuck.” Andre smacked his friend’s back.

“What can I get you, Dre?” Charli asked.

“I think I need the hard stuff tonight,” Andre answered.

“It’s probably the only thing that gets hard for you anymore.” Bently andMikel burst out laughing.

He could end all of this teasing with the fact that he had gotten laid just yesterday, but then his friends would ask too many questions.

“Alright, lay off Dre. This is about you, bro. And how you’ve been chasing a woman who won’t give you the time of day,” Mikel said.

“What? Your charms aren’t working on someone for once?” Andre smirked.

“They seem to have the opposite effect on her actually,” Bently grumbled.

Does he mean Mia?The tiny hairs on the back of Andre’s neck stood on end. The air around him buzzed with an electric current as his senses became hyper-aware. He turned around, catching sight of her brown eyes. His chest tightened as he struggled to draw a breath.

Mia looked away from him as she walked towards the bar. She had on a bright yellow dress that stopped a few inches above her knee. Her coffee hair spilled loosely over her shoulders as she brushed a stray lock from her face.

“You know what they say though—try, try again,” Bently said. “I think I’ll practice a little more with Mia.” He laughed as Mia approached them with a hesitant smile directed at his buddy.

Dread and pain coursed through Andre, jealousy rearing its ugly head. He still couldn’t believe they’d had sex. Explosive, world-shaking sex. Mia had to be the one Bently was talking about. I’m so fucked.

“Hey, baby,” Bently said, standing to give Mia a hug. Andre clenched his fists and grabbed the glass Charli had placed in front of him at some point, savoring the burn of the alcohol as he downed it in one shot.

“Another.” He waved to Charli.

“Sorry I’m late,” Mia said.

“You’re right on time, and my, you look delicious.”

Andre wasn’t facing them, but he would bet his business Bently was flashing Mia his best smile complete with eye-fucking. This shouldn’t bother him as much as it did.

Mia laughed. “Is he always this much?”

Mikel answered her, “Bently never changes. His ego is bigger than anyone else I know.”

“That’s not all that’s big,” Bently said.

Charli tugged at the glass in Andre’s hand. He’d been gripping it like a vise as she studied him curiously. She filled it with more amber liquor.

“Thanks,” he said, taking another drink as soon as she’d finished. Maybe he could drown the turmoil wreaking havoc in his chest with the alcohol.

“Don’t mind our rude friend. He’s just cranky because he hasn’t gotten laid in a loooong time,” Bently joked, as Andre turned around to face them.

Mia’s eyes darted from him to the dance floor, her cheeks glowing with a slight blush as her finger traced the light purple bruise on her neck where he’d marked her. She’d done her best to cover it with makeup, erase him. Too bad he couldn’t forget her.

“That’s okay. How about a dance?” she asked Bently.

He hooked his arm around her waist and led her towards the other couples on the dance floor.

“You okay, man?” Mikel asked.

“Just peachy.”