Chapter 17


Turning left at the light, Andre drove down the road to The Shipwreck. His phone rang, and he answered using the Bluetooth option in his car.


“Hey, Andre. It’s Tom.”

“Hey, buddy. How’s the hand?” Andre asked, slowing as he approached the parking lot of the pub.

“Doc says it didn’t go through the bone. Got some pain meds, and I’m all stitched up.”

“That’s great news.” He cracked his neck as he pulled into a parking space. “I’ll take care of the medical bill and send you your regular check until you recover enough to come back to work.” Yes, it was generous, but he valued the man’s work ethic and skill. It had been his fault Tom had gotten hurt in the first place. He’d make sure the man and his family were cared for, even if it put him in the red.

“You don’t have to do that—”

“I insist, Tom. You’re a valued member of our crew,” Andre argued.

“Thank you, sir. It’s just that Miss Garcia stopped by the hospital and gave me a check already. I wouldn’t have taken it, but she handed it to my wife and insisted she’d cleared it with you. I wish I didn’t need it, but I’m the only one bringing in money in my family.”

Mia had visited his employee? She’d paid him? She had said she would.

“Let me know if it’s not enough, or if you need anything else,” Andre said.

“I will. And I’ll be back to work as soon as the doctor clears me. I want to pay her back. I know I’m leaving you in the lurch.” Tom’s voice lowered as if he were ashamed. There was nothing shameful about doing what you needed to do to support your family and put food in your kids’ mouths.

“I know you’ll be back at it in no time. You have a good night with your family.”

“You too,” Tom said before ending the call.

Andre sighed, a mixture of emotions battering his rib cage. He’d fought with Mia and blamed her for Tom’s injury, then he’d fucked her before picking yet another fight with her. He was an asshole. Why was everything falling apart, slipping through his hands like quicksand?

What had he done? He’d crossed lines that could never be uncrossed. It was reckless and stupid, not even using a condom. He hadn’t asked her if she wanted it—he’d acted like an animal. Though she had too. He smiled, touching the tender flesh of his bottom lip that was still sore from her bite.

Maybe now that she was out of his system, he would be able to carry on and not react so strongly to her.

Andre climbed from the truck and headed into the pub to meet Bently and Mikel. He nodded to Mason, the guy who worked security most evenings.

“Hey, buddy. Nice night.”

One side of Mason’s scarred face turned up into a smile. “Sure is.”

Opening the door, Andre entered the blue-lit room. The giant fish tanks built into the walls on either side dancedwater shadows across the dance floor.

Bently was already seated at the bar with Mikel, making him the last to arrive.

“Look what the cat dragged in,” Mikel said, before taking a drink of his soda.

He had to hand it to the man, staying sober while having temptation thrown in his face all the time. Andre didn’t know if he’d be able to abstain, and yesterday evening with Mia was proof of his lack of self-control.

“What are you two troublemakers up to tonight?” Andre asked, taking a seat next to Bently.

“Bent is having a bit of woman troubles,” Mikel supplied.

Andre exaggerated his shocked expression. “The myth, the legend—the man-whore of Shattered Cove is having . . . woman troubles?”

Bently punched his arm hard enough to leave a bruise. “It’s not like this guy could help. He’s been a fucking priest for the last year, unless you hooked up with that blonde a while back?”